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English-German translation for: [acting]
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Dictionary English German: [acting]

Translation 1 - 31 of 31

English German
wooden {adj} [style of acting etc.]
papieren [trocken, unlebendig, steif (im Stil, Ausdruck)]
histrionic {adj} [relating to acting]
mus. concertante {adj} [opera, musical etc. performance without acting]
cringing {adj} {pres-p} [acting submissively]
katzbuckelnd [pej.]
dallying {adj} {pres-p} [acting or moving slowly]
trödelnd [ugs.] [oft pej.] [beim Arbeiten oder Gehen]
assuasive {adj} [formal] [acting to give relief from pain, fear, or anxiety]
woodenly {adv} [style of acting etc.]papieren
to preempt sb. [prevent them from acting by acting in advance or gaining a commanding position]
jdn. ausbooten [ugs.] [jdm. zuvorkommen / jdn. ausstechen]
theatre to corpse [theatrical slang] [spoil a piece of acting by forgetting one's lines or laughing uncontrollably]es vermasseln [salopp] [als Schauspieler eine Aufführung verderben, indem man den Text vergisst oder plötzlich lachen muss]
theatre to corpse [theatrical slang] [spoil a piece of acting by forgetting one's lines or laughing uncontrollably](die Vorstellung) schmeißen [Theaterjargon] [als Schauspieler den Text vergessen oder plötzlich lachen müssen]
stooge [acting as a front man]
Strohmann {m}
philos. agency [capacity of acting]
Handlungsmacht {f}
theatre ham [acting ]
Schmierentheater {n} [ugs.] [übertriebene oder schlechte Darstellung]
action [acting, doing]
Akt {m} [Tun , Handeln, Aktion]
stimulus [for acting]
Handlungsimpuls {m}
jobs med. [acting attending physicians]Funktionsoberärzte {pl} <FOÄ>
[country acting as an example to others]Musterland {n}
[pupil acting as road-crossing warden]Schülerlotse {m} [Schüler]
mil. [small Navy motorboat filled with explosives, acting like a guided bomb]Sprengboot {n}
[somebody acting or voting covertly for the opposition]U-Boot {n} [fig.] [ugs.]
philos. agency [capacity of acting]Handlungskompetenz {f} (des Subjekts)
2 Words: Others
without help {adv} [acting by itself or oneself]von allein [ugs.] [ohne fremde Hilfe]
without help {adv} [acting by itself or oneself]von alleine [ugs.] [ohne fremde Hilfe]
2 Words: Verbs
to change parts [acting]die Rollen tauschen
2 Words: Nouns
educ. jobs theatre acting teacher [female] [teacher of acting]Schauspiellehrerin {f}
educ. jobs theatre acting teacher [teacher of acting]Schauspiellehrer {m}
law disorderly conduct [acting in a way which violates public peace]Ruhestörung {f}
self-advocate [esp. disabled person speaking / acting for themselves]Selbstvertreter {m} [bes. sich selbst vertretende behinderte Person]
self-advocate [female] [esp. disabled person speaking / acting for themselves]Selbstvertreterin {f} [bes. sich selbst vertretende behinderte Person]
3 Words: Others
law in loco parentis {adv} [acting in the position or place of a parent]an Eltern statt
3 Words: Verbs
to stand in for sb. [acting]jdn. doubeln
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