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[place for hanging linens and clothes for drying]Aufhängeplatz {m}
per {prep} [for each; for every]je [pro, per]
hist. [height required for eligibility for the Guards]Gardemaß {n}
adult {adj} [intended for adults, not suitable for children]nicht jugendfrei
law med. [(German) regulation for the threshold for nursing staff]Pflegepersonaluntergrenzen-Verordnung {f} <PpUGV>
RadioTV rail traffic half [Br.] [short for: half-fare ticket (for a child)]Kinderfahrkarte {f}
chem. mineral. gas characteristics [e.g. for propane but not for gasoline]Gaseigenschaften {pl}
incorporated {adj} [fig. for persons, ideas; not used for units, systems etc.]integriert
German average [short for: average figure for Germany as a whole]Bundesdurchschnitt {m}
educ. [regular school for children staying in hospital for an extended period]Heilstättenschule {f} [österr.]
pro bono publico {adv} [Latin for: for the public good]zum Wohle der Öffentlichkeit
[leave for further training or education, paid for by the employment agency]Bildungskarenz {f} [Österreich]
gastr. tools [special knife for removing the stalk from a cabbage prior to shredding it for sauerkraut]Storzmesser {n}
stew [Br.] [pond for keeping fish for eating][kleinerer] Fischteich {m} [für (zum Verzehr bestimmte) Fische]
stew [Br.] [tank for keeping fish for eating][größeres] Aquarium {n} [für (zum Verzehr bestimmte) Fische]
idiom on one's own account {adv} [for one's own purposes, for oneself]in eigener Sache
law [legal term for a person who has obtained valuable services by unlawful means 'for free']Leistungserschleicher {m}
to set sb. up [for blame for sth.]jdm. etw.Akk. anhängen [etw. Übles zuschreiben] [ugs.] [pej.]
toys hamster wheel [for hamsters, gerbils, etc.; esp. for physical workout]Laufrad {n} [für Hamster in einem Kleintierkäfig]
archi. relig. vestries [buildings attached to a church, used for prayer meetings, for the Sunday school, etc.]Gemeindesäle {pl} [von Kirchen]
archi. relig. vestry [building attached to a church, used for prayer meetings, for the Sunday school, etc.]Gemeindesaal {m} [einer Kirche]
to be used for sth. [e.g. for a purpose, for doing sth.]zu etw.Dat. dienen [verwendet werden]
Unverified splendide mendax {adj} [Latin for: nobly false; untruthful for a good cause][auf vornehme Weise unehrlich; unaufrichtig für eine gute Sache]
[the valuation of economic units for property for purposes of taxation]steuerliche Einheitsbewertung {f}
mus. acoustic amp [coll.] [short for: acoustic amplifier] [esp. for acoustic guitars]Akustikverstärker {m} [bes. für Akustikgitarren]
textil. tools set of double-pointed needles [for knitting in the round, e.g. for socks]Stricknadelspiel {n} [zum Rundstricken, z. B. für Socken]
jobs to release sb. from duty [for a time, for a certain purpose]jdn. freistellen [vom Dienst, vorübergehend]
to have an in [for joining a group, for initiating a deal, etc.] [Am.] [coll.]einen Anknüpfungspunkt haben
cloth. pant liner [also: pantliner] [also for men and the woman's version may be for slimming, not hygiene]Slipeinlage {f}
cloth. hist. mil. ammo boots [coll. for: ammunition boots] [standard footwear for the British Army][britische Armee-/Kampfstiefel (Standard), ab ca. 1880 bis 1960]
fish fishing examination [prerequisite for the application for the German fishing license]Fischerprüfung {f} [amtliche Prüfung als Voraussetzung für die Erteilung eines Fischereischeines]
FireResc med. RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation [mnemonic for a treatment method for soft tissue injuries]PECH: Pause, Eis, Compression, Hochlagern [Pech-Regel]
Unverified to slop out [Br.] [obs.] [prison slang for: to empty chamber pots and collect water for washing][veralteter britischer Gefängnisjargon für: Nachttopf leeren und Wasser fürs Waschen holen]
mil. tech. weapons cosmoline [coll. for: generic class of rust preventatives e.g. for weapons]Korrosionsschutzmittel {n} [ugs. für: eine Kategorie von Rostschutzmitteln z. B. für Waffen]
educ. prep [a period set aside for doing homework or preparing for lessons]Silentium {n} [in einem Internat (Studierzeit für Hausaufgaben) od. in der Schule (Hausaufgabenbetreuung)]
anat. med. basiliar {adj} [WRONG for: basilar; e.g. for basilar artery, basilar membrane] [Basilar-; z. B. bei Basilararterie, Basilarmembran]
oenol. fiasco [straw-covered bottle for wine, esp. for Chianti]Fiasco {m} [mit Stroh umflochtene Flasche für Chianti]
mus. [Gebrauchsmusik, German term for music that exists not only for its own sake ("utility music")]F-Musik {f} [Gebrauchsmusik]
cloth. bonnet [esp. for babies, also for nurses, maids, etc.]Häubchen {n} [bes. für Babys, auch für Krankenschwestern, Dienstmädchen etc.]
million <m., m, M, MM> [abbreviations: MM for finance; M / m / m. for SI / metric systems]Million {f} <Mio.>
front [as in: as a front for ...] [cover for illicit activity]Tarnung {f} [wie in: als Tarnung für ...] [Verschleierung einer rechtswidrigen Aktivität]
math. compasses {pl} [esp. Br.] [rare elsewhere for: compass {sg}] [instrument for drawing circles, measuring distances, etc.]Zirkel {m} [Gerät zum Zeichnen von Kreisen, Abgreifen von Maßen, etc.]
math. pair of compasses [esp. Br.] [rare elsewhere for: compass] [instrument for drawing circles, measuring distances, etc.]Zirkel {m} [Gerät zum Zeichnen von Kreisen, Abgreifen von Maßen, etc.]
to go for a Jimmy Riddle [Br.] [cockney rhyming slang for: to go for a piddle][Cockney Rhyming Slang für: pissen gehen]
mutton (Jeff) {adj} [short for: Mutt and Jeff] [Br.] [cockney rhyming slang for: deaf][Cockney Rhyming Slang für: taub]
pol. Federal Network Agency <FNA> [short for: Federal Network Agency for Electricity, Gas, Telecommunications, Posts and Railway]Bundesnetzagentur {f} <BNetzA> [kurz für: Bundesnetzagentur für Elektrizität, Gas, Telekommunikation, Post und Eisenbahnen]
[to press one's thumbs / thumb (for sb.)] [literally] [hand gesture in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, etc., meaning to keep one's fingers crossed (for sb.)](jdm.) die / den Daumen halten [ugs.] [Redensart]
transp. CASTOR® [cask for storage and transport of radioactive material; tradename of the Gesellschaft für Nuklear-Service (company for nuclear services)]CASTOR® {m} [»Fass zur Lagerung und zum Transport radioaktiven Materials«; Markenname der GNS]
quote lit. We leave Heaven to the angels and the sparrows. [trans. James Strachey] [German "Himmel" comprises both "heaven" (for angels) and "sky" (for sparrows).]Den Himmel überlassen wir // Den Engeln und den Spatzen. [Heinrich Heine, Deutschland. Ein Wintermärchen]
hist. mil. Pour le Mérite ["For the merit", highest Prussian order for merits in war and peace]Pour le Mérite {m} ["Für das Verdienst", höchster preußischer Orden für Verdienste im Krieg und Frieden]
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