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English-German translation for: [fracture]
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Dictionary English German: [fracture]

Translation 1 - 62 of 62

English German
anat. med. rib {adj} [attr.] [e.g. cartilage, fracture]
Rippen- [z. B. Knorpel, Bruch]
leg {adj} [attr.] [e.g. amputation, brace, fracture, muscle]
Bein- [z. B. Amputation, Schiene, Fraktur, Muskel]
arm {adj} [attr.] [e.g. fracture, injury, protector]
Arm- [z. B. Bruch, Verletzung, Schützer]
anat. med. mandibular {adj} [e.g. branch, tooth, fracture]
Unterkiefer- [z. B. Ast, Zahn, Fraktur]
anat. med. maxillary {adj} [e.g. bone, fracture]
Oberkiefer- [z. B. Knochen, Fraktur]
med. weapons gunshot {adj} [attr.] [e.g. fracture, injury, wound]
Schuss- [z. B. Fraktur, Verletzung, Wunde]
anat. med. carpal {adj} [attr.] [e.g. bone, fracture, injury]
Handwurzel- [z. B. Knochen, Fraktur, Verletzung]
med. reducible {adj} [e.g. fracture, hernia]
reponibel [eine Reposition zulassend] [z. B. ein reponibler Bruch, eine reponible Hernie]
med. impacted {adj} {past-p} [humeral fracture, etc.]eingestaucht [Humerusfraktur usw.]
med. nondisplaced {adj} [e.g. fracture]ohne Verschiebung [nachgestellt]
anat. med. zool. orbital {adj} [e.g. fracture, gland, roof, wall]Orbita- [fachspr.] [Augenhöhlen-] [z. B. Fraktur, Drüse, Dach, Wand]
segmental {adj} [e.g. arch, collapse, fracture]Segment- [z. B. Bogen, Kollaps, Fraktur]
med. to mend [fracture]
med. to reduce sth. [a fracture]
etw.Akk. einrichten [eine Fraktur, einen Knochenbruch]
med. to reduce [a fracture]
reponieren [Fraktur, Knochenbruch]
med. to reduce sth. [a fracture, a dislocated joint]
etw.Akk. richten [eine Fraktur, ein disloziertes Gelenk]
med. to set sth. [a fracture]
etw. einrichten [einen Knochenbruch]
break [fracture] [also of relationship, development etc.]
Bruch {m}
geol. fault [fracture in a rock formation causing a discontinuity]
Abschiebung {f} [Verwerfung]
med. setting [of a fracture]
Reponieren {n} [einer Fraktur]
med. [avulsion fracture of the distal phalanx of a finger]Hausfrauenfinger {m} [ugs.] [knöcherner Sehnenausriss am Fingerendglied]
med. nailing [fracture treatment]Frakturnagelung {f}
2 Words: Others
med. non-reducible {adj} [e.g. hernia, fracture]irreponibel [keine Reposition zulassend]
2 Words: Nouns
med. Bankart's fracture [also: Bankart fracture]Bankart-Fraktur {f}
med. Barton's fracture [also: Barton fracture]Barton-Fraktur {f}
med. Bennett's fracture [also: Bennett fracture]Bennett-Fraktur {f}
med. Bosworth fracture [also: Bosworth's fracture]Bosworth-Fraktur {f} [selten]
med. Chance fracture [also: Chance's fracture]Chance-Fraktur {f}
med. chauffeur's fracture [also: chauffeur fracture]Chauffeur-Fraktur {f}
med. Colles fracture [also: Colles' fracture]Colles-Fraktur {f}
med. complicated fracture [Fractura complicata] [open fracture]komplizierte Fraktur {f} [offene Fraktur]
math. Cotton's fracture [also: Cotton fracture] [dated] [trimalleolar fracture]Cotton-Fraktur {f}
med. dancer's fracture [coll.] [sometimes incorrectly used for Jones fracture]Jones-Fraktur {f}
med. dancer's fracture [tuberosity avulsion fracture, pseudo-Jones fracture]Tänzerfraktur {f} [Pseudo-Jones-Fraktur]
med. dancer's fracture [tuberosity avulsion fracture, pseudo-Jones fracture]Pseudo-Jones-Fraktur {f}
geogr. Diamantina Deep [portion on Diamantina Fracture Zone]Diamantinatief {n}
med. Dupuytren fracture [also: Dupuytren's fracture]Dupuytren-Fraktur {f}
med. Duverney fracture [also: Duverney's fracture]Duverney-Fraktur {f}
med. Duverney fracture [also: Duverney's fracture]Querbruch {m} der Darmbeinschaufel
med. fissured fracture [linear fracture]Sprungbruch {m} [selten] [Knochenfissur, Spaltbruch, Haarbruch]
med. fracture risk [risk of bone fracture]Frakturgefährdung {f} [Risiko eines Knochenbruchs]
Galeazzi fracture [also: Galeazzi's fracture]Galeazzi-Fraktur {f}
med. Gosselin's fracture [also: Gosselin fracture]Gosselin-Fraktur {f}
med. hangee's fracture [coll.] [hangman's fracture, hanged-person's fracture]Hangman-Fraktur {f} [auch: Hanged-Man-Fraktur]
med. hangman's fracture [also: hangman fracture] [hanged-person's fracture]Erhängungsfraktur {f}
med. hangman's fracture [also: hangman fracture] [hanged-person's fracture]Hangman-Fraktur {f}
med. hook plate [e.g. for medical clavicle fracture]Hakenplatte {f} [z. B. zur Fixation bei Klavikulafraktur]
med. Hutchinson fracture [also: Hutchinson's fracture]Hutchinson-Fraktur {f}
med. Jefferson fracture [also: Jefferson's fracture]Jefferson-Fraktur {f}
med. Jones fracture [also: Jones's fracture]Jones-Fraktur {f}
med. Malgaigne's fracture [also: Malgaigne fracture]Malgaigne-Fraktur {f}
med. Moore's fracture [also: Moore fracture]Moore-Fraktur {f}
med. non-union [of fracture; pseudarthrosis]Nichtvereinigung {f} [der Frakturenden; Pseudoarthrose]
med. parry fracture [dated] [Monteggia's fracture]Parierfraktur {f}
med. Pott's fracture [also: Pott's syndrome I] [archaic, or coll. in the U.S. for a bimalleolar fracture]Pott-Fraktur {f} [veraltend]
med. Rolando's fracture [also: Rolando fracture]Rolando-Fraktur {f}
med. Segond fracture [also: Segond's fracture]Segond-Fraktur {f}
med. Shepherd's fracture [also: Shepherd fracture]Shepherd-Cloquet-Fraktur {f} [auch: Shepherd-Fraktur]
med. torsion fracture [also spiral fracture]Drehbruch {m} [auch Torsions-/Spiralbruch]
med. torsion fracture [also spiral fracture]Drehfraktur {f} [auch Torsions-/Spiralfraktur]
3 Words: Nouns
med. pseudo-Jones fracture [fracture of the fifth metatarsal bone of the foot]Pseudo-Jones-Fraktur {f}
4 Words: Nouns
med. MedTech. (Chinese) finger-trap traction [e.g. in distal radius fracture]Aushang {m} der Hand [mit Hilfe von Mädchenfängern]
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