| English | German | |
| sb. fluffed [made a mistake, e.g. when reading lines in a play] | 7 jd. patzte | |
Verbs |
| to skip sth. [omit] [e.g. a few lines] | 1391 etw.Akk. auslassen [überspringen] | |
| theatre to fluff sth. [coll.] [one's lines] | 128 etw. verpatzen [ugs.] [seinen Auftritt] | |
| comp. to wrap [lines] | 123 umbrechen [Zeilen] | |
| theatre to fluff [lines] | 19 verwanzen [österr.] [ugs.] [Theaterjargon] | |
| to line sth. [print lines on paper] | 16 etw.Akk. linieren | |
| to hatch sth. [shade with parallel lines] | 8 etw. schraffen [selten] [schraffieren] | |
| to rule [lines, with a ruler] | 6 linieren | |
| to buzz [fig.] [telephone lines, wires, etc.] | heiß laufen [Telefonleitungen, -drähte usw.] | |
| theatre to corpse [theatrical slang] [spoil a piece of acting by forgetting one's lines or laughing uncontrollably] | es vermasseln [salopp] [als Schauspieler eine Aufführung verderben, indem man den Text vergisst oder plötzlich lachen muss] | |
| theatre to corpse [theatrical slang] [spoil a piece of acting by forgetting one's lines or laughing uncontrollably] | (die Vorstellung) schmeißen [Theaterjargon] [als Schauspieler den Text vergessen oder plötzlich lachen müssen] | |
| mus. theatre to fluff [coll.] [on ones lines, in music] | sich verhaspeln | |
| to interline [to write between the lines] | in die Zeilenzwischenräume schreiben | |
| to interline [write between lines] | zwischenzeilig schreiben | |
| to interline sth. [to write between the lines] | etw.Akk. zwischensetzen | |
| comics film to voice sb./sth. [perform the lines of a character] | die Stimme von jdm./etw. sein [Texte einer Film- oder Videospielfigur sprechen] | |
Nouns |
| strokes [lines, dashes etc] | 131 Striche {pl} | |
| print space [between lines] | 116 Abstand {m} | |
| gloss [brief note on sth. in the margin or between lines in a text] | 85 Glosse {f} | |
| film RadioTV theatre line [e.g. I've forgotten my lines] | 27 Textzeile {f} [einer Figur im Theater, Kino etc.] | |
| archaeo. alignment [line or lines of upright stones] | 10 Steinreihe {f} | |
| mus. [practice of singing by turn the lines of the Christmas hymn "Quem pastores" by four soloists or choirs] | Quempas-Singen {n} | |
| isohypses [contour lines] | Isohypsen {pl} [Höhenlinien] | |
| print justification [adjustment of spacing within lines to align edges or center text] | Zeilenausschluss {m} [Auffüllen der Zeilen mit Leerräumen gemäß der Druck- bzw. Layoutvorgaben] | |
| print leading [distance between baselines of successive lines of text] | Leading {n} [Zeilendurchschuss] | |
| print leading [distance between baselines of successive lines of text] | Zeilendurchschuss {m} [auch: Interlinea] | |
| journ. linage [payment based on number of lines of text submitted] | Zeilengeld {n} | |
| journ. lineage [Am.] [payment based on number of lines of text submitted] | Zeilengeld {n} | |
| print ruling [lines on a sheet of paper] | Lineatur {f} | |
| ruling [lines on a sheet of paper] | Linierung {f} | |
| archi. sightlines [also: sight lines] | Blickbezüge {pl} | |
2 Words: Verbs |
| theatre to go blank [forget one's lines] | einen Hänger haben [ugs.] [seinen Text vergessen] | |
| to line up sth. [put in lines or rows] | etw.Akk. aufreihen | |
| film theatre to phone sth. in [coll.] [one's lines, performance, role etc.] [actor] | etw.Akk. herunterleiern [Rolle usw.] [Schauspieler] | |
| to re-trace [also: retrace] [lines in writing or drawing] | nachziehen [Linien] | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| med. cortical infractions [Looser zones, Milkman's lines] | Umbauzonen {pl} [Looser-Umbauzonen] | |
| tech. foot valve [in suction lines, esp. with centrifugal pumps] | Fußventil {n} [in Saugleitungen, bes. mit Kreiselpumpen] | |
| Franciscan tan [coll.] [tan lines on feet] | Franziskanerbräune {f} [ugs.] [Bräunungsstreifen an den Füßen, verursacht durch Sandalen] | |
| rail interchange station [with lines crossing each other at different levels] | Turmbahnhof {m} | |
| Kerley lines [Kerley A lines, Kerley B lines, Kerley C lines] | Kerley-Linien {pl} [Kerley-A-Linien, Kerley-B-Linien, Kerley-C-Linien] | |
| telecom. line rental [connection charges for land lines] | Anschlussgebühr {f} | |
| nose lines [facial lines or wrinkles that appear at the sides of the upper portion of the nose] | Nasenrückenfalten {pl} | |
| nose wrinkles [bunny lines] | Nasenfalten {pl} [Nasenrückenfalten] | |
| lit. ottava rima [with eleven-syllable lines] | Stanze {f} [Verslehre] | |
| lit. ottava rimas [with eleven-syllable lines] | Stanzen {pl} [Verslehre] | |
| stone wall [esp. marking property lines] | Steinzaun {m} [selten] [Steinmauer] | |
| med. Thompson's sign [also: Thompson sign] [Pastia sign, Pastia lines] | Pastia-Zeichen {n} | |
3 Words: Others |
| in as many ... {adv} [e.g. lines, people] | in genau der gleichen Anzahl ... [z. B. Zeilen, Leute] | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| anat. med. (Langer's) cleavage lines [Lineae distractiones] [Langer's lines] | Hautspaltlinien {pl} | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| anat. med. relaxed skin tension lines <RSTL> [Langer's lines] | Langer-Spaltlinien {pl} | |
| print text with ragged alignment [alignment of text where the lines of text are allowed to end naturally] | Text {m} mit frei auslaufenden Zeilen | |
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