| English | German | |
| [you] are [said to two or more people] | 1195 [ihr] seid | |
| [you] have [said to two or more people] | 917 [ihr] habt | |
| [you] do [said to two or more people] | 674 [ihr] tut | |
| [you] might [said to two or more people] | 402 [ihr] könntet | |
| [you] did [said to two or more people] | 163 [ihr] tatet | |
| Aye! [Scot., N. Engl., archaic, and said when voting] | 96 Ja! | |
| [you] may [are permitted] [said to two or more people] | 79 [ihr] dürft | |
| sb. quoth [archaic] [sb. said] | 59 jd. sprach [geh.] [veraltend] [jd. sagte] | |
| [you] should [said to two or more people] | 49 [ihr] solltet | |
| [you] will [said to two or more people] | 44 [ihr] werdet | |
| [you] can [said to two or more people] | 37 [ihr] könnt | |
| [you] could [were able] [said to two or more people] | 35 [ihr] konntet | |
| See? [said to one other person] | 24 Siehste? [ugs.] | |
| [you] had [said to two or more people] | 16 [ihr] hattet | |
| built {adj} [said of persons, e.g. sturdily built] | 13 gebaut [von Personen gesagt, z. B. kräftig gebaut] | |
| photo. Cheese! [said to smile while being photographed] | 11 [Ameisenscheiße! (sagt man, um zu lächeln, wenn man fotografiert wird)] | |
| photo. [Cheese! (said to smile while being photographed)] | 8 Ameisenscheiße! [sagt man, um zu lächeln, wenn man fotografiert wird] | |
| [you] can't [cannot] [said to two or more people] | [ihr] könnt nicht | |
| [you] cannot [said to two or more people] | [ihr] könnt nicht | |
| [you] had [said to one person] | [Ihr] hattet [veraltet] [Sie hatten] [formelle Anrede an eine einzelne Person] | |
| [you] have [said to one person] | [Ihr] habt [veraltet] [Sie haben] [formelle Anrede an eine einzelne Person] | |
| [you] mustn't [said to two or more people] | [ihr] dürft nicht | |
| [you] were [said to one person] | [Ihr] wart [veraltet] [Sie waren] [formelle Anrede an eine einzelne Person] | |
| [you] will [said to one person] | [Ihr] werdet [veraltet] [Sie werden] [formelle Anrede an eine einzelne Person] | |
| bantam {adj} [said of persons] | klein und kämpferisch | |
| bovinely {adv} [pej.] [said of a person] | dümmlich [pej.] [Person, Verhalten] | |
| Don't! [said to one person] | Tu's nicht! | |
| Don't! [said to one person] | Tu es nicht! | |
| Don't! [said to two or more people] | Tut es nicht! | |
| Honest! [used as emphasis that what has just been said is true] | Ungelogen! [ugs.] | |
| See? [said to one other person] | Siehst du? | |
| See? [said to two or more other people] | Seht ihr? | |
| you're [you are] [said to two or more people] | ihr seid | |
Verbs |
| to repeat [sth. said] | 398 nachsprechen | |
| to believe sb. [what is said] | (es) jdm. glauben | |
| to repeat sth. [sth. said] | etw.Akk. nachsagen [nachsprechen] | |
Nouns |
| relig. benediction [grace said before a meal] | 18 Tischgebet {n} | |
| sayee [one to whom something is said] | Angesprochener {m} | |
| lit. spec. worldliness [Edward Said] | Welthaltigkeit {f} | |
2 Words: Others |
| [you] are to [said to two or more people] | [ihr] sollt | |
| [you] ought to [obligation] [said to two or more people] | [ihr] solltet [moralische Verpflichtung] | |
| at which {rel} {pron} [..., at which he laughed / said, etc.] | worauf | |
| Calm down! [said to two or more people] | Beruhigt euch! [z. B. Lehrer zu den Schülern] | |
| choked up {adj} [said of a person] | ganz gerührt [Person] | |
| Easier said. [short for: Easier said than done.] | Leicht gesagt. [kurz für: Das ist leichter gesagt als getan. / Das ist leicht gesagt (aber schwer getan).] | |
| Fuck off! [vulg.] [said to two or more people] | Verpisst euch! [derb] | |
| Gee, thanks. [coll.] [said sarcastically] | (Ich) danke für Obst und Südfrüchte! [ugs.] [hum.] [Redewendung] | |
| Get away! [said to express disbelief or scepticism] | Geh weg! [ugs.] [als Ausdruck des Unglaubens] [auch: Ach, geh weg!] | |
| Listen up! [Am.] [said to two or more people] | (Jetzt) hört mal zu! | |
| Look alive! [coll.] [dated] [said to two or more people] | Beeilt euch! | |
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