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English-German translation for: [several]
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Dictionary English German: [several]

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Hark! [literary] [to several people]
different {adj} [several]
umpteen {adj} [coll.] [several]
verschiedene [mehrere]
compound {adj} [attr.] [consisting of several parts or elements]aus mehreren Teilen bestehend [attr.]
perforated {adj} {past-p} [with several holes]mit Löchern versehen
zool. T
comp. node [device in a computer network with several connections]
Netzknoten {m} [in einem Computernetzwerk]
tenant [female; also as a company, or several persons]
Mieterin {f}
zool. kitten [the young of several animals, such as the cat, rabbit, rat, hedgehog, squirrel, fox or badger]
Junges {n} [z. B. bei Katzen, Kaninchen, Ratten, Igeln, Eichhörnchen, Füchsen oder Dachsen]
film lit. theatre plotline [spv.] [one of several]
Handlungsstrang {m}
comp. node [device in a computer network with several connections]
Netzwerkknoten {m}
geogr. [any of several small undiked islands off the coast of Schleswig-Holstein]
Hallig {f}
urban circus [esp. Br.] [circular open space where several streets converge]
Rondell {n} [runder Platz]
FireResc firefighters [of several squads]
Löschtrupps {pl}
theatre Everyman [character in several plays]
Jedermann {m} [Person in verschiedenen Bühnenstücken]
flambeau [candlestick with several arms]
Leuchter {m} [mehrarmig]
pol. [an administrative region within certain federal German states, comprising several Kreise or Landkreise]Regierungsbezirk {m} <Reg.-Bez.>
med. [bedbug "street", i.e. several bedbug bite marks in a row]Bettwanzenstraße {f}
fin. [cooperative bank, to be found in several European countries]Raiffeisenbank {f}
theatre [repertory theatre doing several theatrical genres like drama, opera and ballet]Mehrspartentheater {n}
fish T
pol. [ticket of a coalition of several parties]Einheitsliste {f}
hist. sports [title of German national coach (several sports) from 1918 to 1945]Reichstrainer {m} [Bezeichnung deutscher Nationaltrainer (verschiedene Sportarten) 1918 bis 1945]
geogr. Aach [name of several rivers in Germany and Austria]Aach {f} [Eigenname versch. Flüsse]
geogr. Aach [name of several towns/villages in Germany and Austria]Aach {n} [Eigenname versch. Städte/Ortschaften]
geogr. Albany [name of several cities]Albany {n} [Name mehrerer Städte]
ling. babel [several languages]babylonisches Sprachengewirr {n}
zool. kitling [archaic] [here: the young of several animals, such as the cat, rabbit, rat, hedgehog, squirrel, fox or badger]Junges {n} [z. B. bei Katzen, Kaninchen, Ratten, Igeln, Eichhörnchen, Füchsen oder Dachsen]
roundtable [spv.] [a conference or discussion involving several participants]runder Tisch {m} [auch: Runder Tisch] [Redewendung]
gastr. scald [grain or flour combined with hot water and allowed to sit for several hours in breadmaking]Brühstück {n}
hist. mil. sergeant [several German armed forces before 1921]Sergeant {m} [einige deutsche Streitkräfte vor 1921]
bot. snakewood [a common name of several different plants]Schlangenholz {n}
fish T
2 Words: Others
[several] metres deep {adj} [Br.] [snow]meterhoch [mehrere Meter Schnee]
[several] metres high {adj} [Br.]meterhohe [dekl.] [mehrere Meter hohe]
[several] metres high {adj} [Br.]meterhoch [mehrere Meter hoch]
monastery-run {adj} [by several specified monasteries]von den Klöstern betrieben [Weingärten, Brauereien etc.]
monastery-run {adj} [by several unspecified monasteries]von Klöstern betrieben [Weingärten, Brauereien etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
EU maintenance assistance {sg} [for several persons]Unterhaltsbeihilfen {pl} [für mehrere Personen]
biochem. gastr. meat tenderizer [one of several enzymes; product thereof]Fleischzartmacher {m} [eines von verschiedenen Enzymen; Produkt daraus]
relig. spec. passion sufferer [strastoterpets: epithet of several Russian saints]Leidensdulder {m} [strastoterpets: Beiname mehrerer russischer Heiliger]
film lit. theatre plot line [one of several]Handlungsstrang {m}
presidential elections [may refer to both a single vote and several votes]Präsidentschaftswahlen {pl} [kann sowohl eine einzelne Wahl meinen als auch mehrere]
tech. process noise [e.g. when employing several sensors]Prozessrauschen {n} [z. B. beim Einsatz mehrerer Sensoren]
round table [fig.] [a conference or discussion involving several participants]runder Tisch {m} [auch: Runder Tisch] [Redewendung]
town councils [of several towns]Stadträte {pl} [Gremien]
geogr. Vils (River) [name of several rivers in Germany]Vils {f}
3 Words: Others
all round us {adv} [of several surrounding persons or objects; if all the vicinity is covered]überall um uns herum
Let me think. [said to several people addressed with the familiar 'ihr']Lasst mich nachdenken.
Who are you? [to several people]Wer seid ihr?
3 Words: Verbs
to be clothed up [idiom] [wearing several layers of clothes]dick angezogen sein [Redewendung] [mehrere Schichten Kleidung tragen]
3 Words: Nouns
mil. area fighter commander [usually covered several JGs]Jagdführer {m} <Jafu> [Luftwaffe]
hist. death-camp atrocities [at several death camps]Gräueltaten {pl} in den Vernichtungslagern
anat. duct of Rivinus [any of several small inconstant efferent ducts of the sublingual gland]Ductus sublingualis minor {m}
4 Words: Others
bibl. proverb Deep calls to deep. [also: Deep calls unto deep.] [Psalm 42:7, several transl.]Tiefe ruft der Tiefe. [Psalm 42,7, mehrere Übers.] [sprichwörtlich auch: Eine Tiefe ruft die andere. Bei Luther als 42,8]
I can't hear you! [to several people]Ich kann euch nicht hören!
5+ Words: Others
quote A rose is a rose is a rose. [commonly known form of a quotation from several works by Gertrude Stein]Eine Rose ist eine Rose ist eine Rose.
bibl. quote Am I my brother's keeper? [Gen. 4:9; several translations]Soll ich meines Bruders Hüter sein? [Gen. 4,9; Luther 1984]
Tell them I asked for them.Grüß sie von mir! [several people]
bibl. The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving / restoring the soul. [Psalm 19; several translations]Das Gesetz des Herrn ist ohne Wandel und erquicket die Seele. [Psalm 19; Luther]
bibl. quote The Lord is My Shepherd. [Psalm 23:1; several translations]Der Herr ist mein Hirte. [Psalm 23,1; mehrere Übersetzungen]
5+ Words: Verbs
to be half English, half Irish [when referring to several people]zur einen Hälfte Engländer und zur anderen Iren sein
to serve as models / as a model [depending on whether you refer to several objects or just one]Modellcharakter haben
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Tevye the dairyman [from Yiddish: Tevye der milkhiker; protagonist of several stories by Sholem Aleichem]Tewje {m}, der Milchmann [aus jiddisch: Tewje der Milchiger; Protagonist mehrerer Erzählungen von Scholem Alejchem]
lit. F Tevye the milkman [from Yiddish: Tevye der milkhiker; protagonist of several stories by Sholem Aleichem]Tewje {m}, der Milchmann [aus jiddisch: Tewje der Milchiger; Protagonist mehrerer Erzählungen von Scholem Alejchem]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
zool. T
zool. T
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