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English-German translation for: [theatre]
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Dictionary English German: [theatre]

Translation 1 - 63 of 63

English German
hist. thespian {adj} [also Thespian] [relating to the theatre]
thespisch [bezogen auf Theater, die thespische Kunst]
theatre theatric {adj} [here: often pej., sometimes positive: in a typical manner of theatre]theatrig [Theaterjargon; oft pej., manchmal auch positiv gemeint: in typischer Theatermanier]
fin. fee [pay, esp. in film, theatre, music business etc.]
Gage {f}
med. surgery [Am.] [Can.] [operating room, operating theatre]
Operationssaal {m}
archi. lounge [in a hotel, theatre, etc.]
Foyer {n} [eines Theaters, Hotels etc.]
patron [theatre, cinema, etc.]
Besucher {m}
jobs theatre director [of a theatre, a festival, etc.]
Intendant {m}
furn. seating [in a theatre, cinema, lecture hall etc.]
Bestuhlung {f}
actor [also in film, theatre]
Akteur {m} [auch für Schauspieler]
archi. theatre circle [theatre, cinema]
Rang {m} [Theater, Kino]
archi. hist. med. theatre [Br.] [operating theatre]
Operationstheater {n}
med. theatre [Br.] [operating theatre]
OP {m} [kurz für: Operationssaal]
med. theatre [Br.] [operating theatre]
Operationssaal {m} <OP>
theatre theatre [esp. Br.] [name of a theatre, also building for performing straight theatre]
Schauspielhaus {n}
theatre gallery [in a theatre]
Rang {m}
jobs theatre director [female] [of a theatre, a festival, etc.]
Intendantin {f}
theatre the gods [highest gallery in a theatre]
Galerie {f}
theatre bill [a programme of entertainment at a theatre or cinema]
Programmheft {n} [Theater]
theatre rep [coll.] [repertory theatre / theater]
Repertoiretheater {n}
archi. theatre well [of theatre]
Parkett {n}
archi. mus. theatre [building with halls for theatre, concerts etc.]
Saalbau {m}
theatre [a theatre providing the middle class with education and refinement]Bildungstheater {n} [meist pej.]
archi. [newly built theatre or stage]Bühnenneubau {m}
theatre [repertory theatre doing several theatrical genres like drama, opera and ballet]Mehrspartentheater {n}
theatre [small sized theatre, often with a maximum of 90 seats, fringe theatre]Kleinbühne {f} [Keller-, Zimmertheater etc.]
theatre [theatre producing / showing straight theatre, music theatre and ballet]Dreispartentheater {n}
mus. chrysoglott [theatre organ stop]Chrysoglott {n} [Theaterorgel-Register]
mus. theatre director [of a big theatre, opera house etc.]Generalintendant {m}
theatre directorship [of a theatre]Direktion {f} [österr.] [Leitung eines Einsparten-Theaters]
theatre puppet [in puppet theatre]Spielfigur {f} [im Figurentheater]
regulars [of a theatre, museum etc.]regelmäßige Besucher {pl}
theatre stage [theatre]Theater {n}
2 Words: Verbs
to be on [in a cinema, theatre etc.]gespielt werden [im Kino, Theater, etc.]
to pick sb./sth. up [at school, the post office, the theatre, etc.]jdn./etw. abholen [von der Schule, der Post, dem Theater etc.]
2 Words: Nouns
theatre box seat [theatre etc.]Logenplatz {m}
archi. central aisle [in church, theatre]Hauptgang {m}
concession stand [in a theatre, cinema, station etc.]Buffet {n} [österr.] [schweiz.]
theatre court theatre [Br.] [theatre at princely and royal courts]Hoftheater {n}
archi. theatre court theatre [esp. Br.] [castle or palace theatre]Schlosstheater {n}
mus. theatre final performance [theatre, opera]Schlussvorstellung {f} [Theater, Oper]
theatre general administrator [of theatre / theater] [Br.] [Am.]Intendant {m}
theatre Grand Guignol [Théâtre du Grand-Guignol]Grand-Guignol {n}
immersive experience [3D game, movie, theatre]eindringliche Erfahrung {f} [3D-Spiel, Kino, Theater]
theatre impro (theatre) [coll.] [short for: improvisational theatre]Improtheater {n} [kurz für: Improvisationstheater]
theatre improv (theatre) [coll.] [short for: improvisational theatre]Improtheater {n} [kurz für: Improvisationstheater]
monthly programme [Br.] [theatre etc.]Monatsspielplan {m}
archi. mus. theatre mystic gulf [Bayreuth Festival Theatre]mystischer Abgrund {m} [Bayreuther Festspielhaus]
sports Old Trafford [The Theatre of Dreams (nickname)]Old Trafford {n} [Fußballstadion in England, Heimstadion von Manchester United]
film hist. theatre Reich Dramaturg [Third Reich official responsible for, and determining, theatre propaganda]Reichsdramaturg {m}
review ticket [theatre, concerts]Pressekarte {f}
theatre state theatre [Br.] [theatre run by one of the Austrian states]Landestheater {n} [österr.]
jobs ticket taker [in theatre, cinema, museum, etc.]Kartenabreißer {m}
ticket taker [in theatre, cinema]Billeteur {m} [österr.] [Kartenabreißer]
3 Words: Others
mus. theatre on the road {adv} [idiom] [on tour, e.g. theatre company]auf Tournee
3 Words: Nouns
theatre (the) Berlin Ensemble [Bertolt Brecht's theatre company](das) Berliner Ensemble {n}
med. minor surgery room [as opposed to an operating theatre]kleine Chirurgie {f} [Raum]
hist. theatre Parisian fairground theatre [Br.] [Théâtre de la foire]Pariser Jahrmarktstheater {n}
4 Words: Nouns
art mus. theatre a cathedral of art [e.g. a theatre, or museum]ein Tempel {m} der Kunst [z. B. ein Theater oder Museum]
contact with the audience [esp. in the theatre, at concerts]Publikumskontakt {m} [bes. im Theater, bei Konzerten]
theatre temple of the Muses [archaic] [theatre]Musentempel {m} [altertümlich]
5+ Words: Others
not ... in a long time {adv} [e.g. been in the theatre]schon lange nicht mehr ... [z. B.: im Theater gewesen]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film theatre F Cavalcade [theatre: Noel Coward, film: Frank Lloyd]Kavalkade
film theatre F Death and the Maiden [theatre: Ariel Dorfman, film: Roman Polanski]Der Tod und das Mädchen
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