| English | German | |
| reasonable {adj} [within reason] | 1571 angemessen | |
| reasonable {adj} [within limits] | 449 realistisch | |
| internal {adj} [within a company] | 30 betriebsintern | |
| pol. factional {adj} [within a party] | 18 parteiintern [Konflikt, Uneinigkeit, Streit] | |
| law pol. internal {adj} [within a country] | 9 innerstaatlich | |
| med. intracavitary {adj} [within an organ or body cavity] | 9 intrakavitär [in einer Organ- oder Körperhöhle] | |
| internally {adv} [within the country] | 8 landesintern | |
| med. intracavernous {adj} [within the cavernous sinus] | 5 intrakavernös [im Sinus cavernosus] | |
| philos. spec. intraworldly {adj} [esp. in Heidegger] [within-the-world] | 5 innerweltlich [bes. bei Heidegger] | |
| ben {adv} {prep} [Scot.] [within] [e. g. ben the hoose] | drinnen [z. B. im Haus] | |
| mus. controlled {adj} [kept within limits] | gehalten | |
| indoors {adv} [within the house] | innerhäusig [ugs.] [regional] | |
| acad. intramural {adj} [within the university] | innerhalb der Universität [nachgestellt] | |
| econ. ind. intraplant {adj} [attr.] [within the industrial plant] | innerhalb des Betriebs [nachgestellt] | |
Verbs |
| math. to inscribe sth. [to draw a regular figure within another so as to touch in as many places as possible] | 9 etw.Akk. einbeschreiben [einen Kreis bzw. Vieleck so in ein Vieleck bzw. Kreis zeichnen, dass die Ecken den Kreis berühren] | |
| to intermarry [within groups] | untereinander heiraten | |
Nouns |
| law jurisdiction [to be within a court's authority] | 2180 Rechtsprechung {f} [der Rechtsprechung eines Gerichts unterliegen] | |
| deliberation [discussion within a group, usually pl.] | 356 Beratung {f} [Besprechung in einer Gruppe, oft pl.] | |
| urban neighbourhood [Br.] [district within a town or city] | 273 Viertel {n} [Wohngegend] | |
| oenol. champagne [produced within the Champagne region of France] | 159 Champagner {m} | |
| faggot [Am.] [coll.] [often pej., but also used within the gay community as a positive term of self-reference] [male homosexual] | 138 Schwuler {m} [ugs.] [zuweilen noch pej., jedoch heute meist wertfrei und auch als Eigenbezeichnung] | |
| earshot [out of / within] | 40 Hördistanz {f} [außer / in] | |
| econ. excise [tax levied on the manufacture or sale of a product within a country] | 38 Akzise {f} [früher für Verbrauchsteuer] | |
| consigliere [position within the leadership structure of the Sicilian, Calabrian and American Mafia] | 24 Consigliere {m} [direkter Berater, höchste Stufe innerhalb der Hierarchie einer Mafiafamilie] | |
| law [provisions permitting abortion within the first three months of pregnancy] | 20 Fristenregelung {f} [Abtreibung] | |
| earshot [out of / within] | 11 Hörentfernung {f} [außer / in] | |
| admin. [letter demanding that sth. be done within a certain time] | 10 Binnenbrief {m} [ugs.] | |
| hist. cubs [Deutsches Jungvolk, boys within the Hitler Youth] | 7 Pimpfe {pl} [Mitglieder des Jungvolks] | |
| pol. [an administrative region within certain federal German states, comprising several Kreise or Landkreise] | Regierungsbezirk {m} <Reg.-Bez.> | |
| gastr. [hospitality unit, such as a restaurant, hotel, etc. within the hospitality industry] | Beherbergungs- und Gaststättenbetrieb {m} | |
| hist. [principality within the Holy Roman Empire with an elected rather than hereditary prince] | Wahlstaat {m} | |
| [promotion to the aristocracy or to a higher position within the arictocracy] | Standeserhöhung {f} | |
| law RealEst. [right to build within the setback] | Näherbaurecht {n} [schweiz.] | |
| stocks [trading within minutes or even seconds] | Sekundenhandel {m} [besonders schnelle Form des Daytrading] | |
| ethn. Bajau [also: Badjao, Bajaw, Bajao, Badjau, Badjaw, Bajo or Bayao] [ethnic group within the Sama-Bajau peoples] | Bajau {pl} [auch: Bajaw, Badjau, Badjo, Badjaw oder Badjao] [Ethnie in Südostasien] | |
| entom. T | | |
| esot. spec. decan [division of 10° within an astrological sign] | Dekan {n} [Astrologie] | |
| hist. deportation [forced migrations within the Habsburg Empire in the 18th century] | Transmigration {f} [Zwangsumsiedlungen im Habsburgerreich im 18. Jahrhundert] | |
| sports division [group of teams within a league] | Spielklasse {f} [Leistungsklasse bei Mannschaftssportarten] | |
| geogr. Haardt [a range of wooded hills within the Palatinate Forest] | Haardt {f} [eine bewaldete Hügelkette im Pfälzerwald] | |
| infighting {sg} [within an organisation] | interne Machtkämpfe {pl} | |
| intermarriage [within groups] | Heirat {f} untereinander | |
| print justification [adjustment of spacing within lines to align edges or center text] | Zeilenausschluss {m} [Auffüllen der Zeilen mit Leerräumen gemäß der Druck- bzw. Layoutvorgaben] | |
| archi. hist. mil. kremlin [a citadel within a Russian town] | Kreml {m} | |
| Unverified nest [set of things designed to fit close together or one within another] | Satz {m} [zusammengehörende, gleichartige Gegenstände unterschiedlicher Größe] | |
| reminder [written request to do something within a given time] | Binnen-Brief {m} [hum.] [schriftliche Aufforderung mit Fristsetzung; üblicher Wortlaut ist "Wenn Sie nicht binnen ... "] | |
| econ. transferee [person transfered within an organization] | Versetzter {m} [versetzter Mitarbeiter] | |
| transferee [person transfered within an organization] | versetzter Mitarbeiter {m} | |
| transferee [person transfered within an organization] [female] | versetzte Mitarbeiterin {f} | |
2 Words: Others |
| in time {adv} [within a given time limit] | fristgemäß | |
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