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| common {adj} [name, word, phrase, etc.] | 5302 geläufig | |
| first {adj} <1st> [German word used with {f} nouns (w or w/o definite article) or {m} / {n} nouns with definite article, e.g. "der erste Eindruck", "(die) erste Hälfte", "das erste Gebot"] | 693 erste | |
| established {adj} [word, phrase] | 581 gängig | |
| comp. indented {adj} [word processing] | 337 eingerückt | |
| common {adj} [word, belief, custom, animal, bird] | 308 weitverbreitet | |
| meaningless {adj} [word, phrase] | 63 inhaltsleer | |
| mine {pron} [determiner] [archaic] [my] [used before a word beginning with a vowel or a mute h] | 46 mein | |
| first {adj} <1st> [German word used with {m} nouns without definite article, e.g. "erster Eindruck"] | 24 erster | |
| debased {adj} {past-p} [overused word, phrase] | 16 abgegriffen [fig.] [Wort, Ausdruck] | |
| ling. diminutive {adj} [linguistically, e.g. a diminutive word ending] | 8 diminutiv [Sprachwissenschaft] | |
| inexpressive {adj} [word, style] | 8 blass | |
| ling. diminutive {adj} [linguistically, e.g. a diminutive word ending] | 7 deminutiv [Sprachwissenschaft] | |
| first {adj} <1st> [German word used with {n} nouns without definite article, e.g. "erstes Gebot"] | 7 erstes | |
| ling. [pertaining to the written word] {adj} | schriftsprachlich | |
| comp. automagically {adv} [coll.] [hum.] [made-up word from "automatically" and "magically"] | automagisch [ugs.] [hum.] [Kunstwort aus „automatisch“ und „magisch“] | |
| meaningless {adj} [word, symbol etc.] | ohne Bedeutung [nachgestellt] | |
| strange {adj} [not common, current or usual] [e.g. word, expression] | nicht geläufig | |
| un- {prefix} [before an adj./adv.; usually as one unhyphenated word] | nicht- [vor einem Adj./Adv.; oft als ein Wort ohne Bindestrich] | |
Verbs |
| comp. to indent [word processing] | 295 einrücken | |
| comp. to outdent [word processing] | 87 ausrücken [Block-Textverarbeitung] | |
| to mistype sth. [a word, a letter] | 28 etw. vertippen [ugs.] [ein Wort, einen Buchstaben] | |
| to delete sth. [e.g. sentence, word] | 7 etw. rausstreichen [ugs.] [herausstreichen] [z. B. Satz, Wort] | |
| [a hoax foreign word created in Germany in the first half of the 20th century] | repunsieren | |
| [describes an action that is unscrupulous or morally objectionable, from the Swabian diminutive word for smell] | ein G'schmäckle haben [ugs.] [südd.] | |
| to ring sth. [to encircle] [word, correct answer, etc.] | etw.Akk. einkreisen [Wort, richtige Antwort, usw.] | |
| to stretch sth. [meaning, word] | etw. (äußerst) weit fassen [Begriff etc.] | |
| to welsh [coll.] [break one's word] | sein Wort brechen | |
| telecom. to wire sth. [coll.] [to send, or send word to, by telegraph] | etw.Akk. drahten [veraltend] [telegrafisch übermitteln] | |
Nouns |
| danger [signal word, ANSI standard] | 1241 Gefahr {f} [Signalwort, z. B. verbindlich in techn. Dokumentationen] | |
| QM caution [signal word, ANSI standard] | 1017 Vorsicht {f} [Signalwort, z. B. verbindlich in techn. Dokumentationen] | |
| ling. coinage [invented word or phrase] | 659 Kunstwort {n} | |
| warning [signal word, ANSI standard] | 552 Warnung {f} [Signalwort, z. B. verbindlich in techn. Dokumentationen] | |
| paronomasia [= pun, word-play] | 359 Wortspiel {n} | |
| acception [archaic] [acceptation] [of a word] | 36 Wortbedeutung {f} | |
| goy [a Jewish word for a gentile] | 34 Nichtjude {m} | |
| notice [signal word, ANSI standard] | 33 Hinweis {m} [hinweisendes Signalwort, z. B. in techn. Dokumentationen] | |
| comp. print break [word processing] | 29 Umbruch {m} [Textverarbeitung] | |
| skosh [coll.] [Am.] [a very small amount, from Japanese word "sukoshi"] | 29 Prise {f} [sehr kleine Menge, z. B. Tabak, Gewürz u. a.] | |
| ling. corruption [altered word] | 25 Abwandlung {f} [eines Wortes] | |
| banisters [plural word] | 21 Geländer {n} | |
| print space [word space] | 20 Wortzwischenraum {m} | |
| ling. affix [word appendage] | 19 Zusatz {m} [Anhang, Anfügung] | |
| [cuss word for foreigners, foreign looking people, punks, lefties etc.] | 18 Zecken {pl} [ugs.] [Ausdruck der rechtsradikalen Szene] | |
| currency [of a word, expression] | 17 Gebräuchlichkeit {f} | |
| ling. frankenword [portmanteau word] | 16 Kofferwort {n} | |
| spook [esp. Am.] [sl.] [dated] [a black person] [offensive] [hate word] | 16 Schwarzer {m} | |
| ling. blend [port(e)manteau word] | 12 Schachtelwort {n} | |
| ling. numeral [word] | 11 Zahlwort {n} | |
| spook [Am.] [hate word] | 10 [amerikan. Hasswort für einen dunkelhäutigen Menschen] | |
| goy [a Jewish word for a gentile] | 8 Goi {m} | |
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