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Dictionary English German: 14

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SYNO   14 | fourteen | xiv | XIV
fourteenth {adj} <14th>
vierzehnte <14., 14te>
fourteen-year-old {adj} [attr.] <14-year-old>vierzehnjährig <14-jährig> [Mädchen, Hund etc.]
of fourteen hours {adj} [postpos.]vierzehnstündig <14-stündig>
fourteen-hour-long {adj} [attr.] [lasting for fourteen hours]vierzehnstündig <14-stündig> [vierzehn Stunden dauernd]
phys. radiocarbon [also: radio carbon] <carbon-14, C-14, 14C>Radiokohlenstoff {m} <Carbon-14, C-14, 14C>
fourteen-year-old [female] <14-year-old>Vierzehnjährige {f} <14-Jährige>
fourteen-year-old <14-year-old>Vierzehnjähriger {m} <14-Jähriger>
2 Words: Others
14-day {adj} [attr.]14-tägig
2 Words: Nouns
14th century14. Jahrhundert {n}
fourteenth century14. Jahrhundert {n}
phys. carbon-14 <C-14, 14C>Carbon-14 {n} <C-14, 14C>
3 Words: Nouns
the 1300s {pl}(das) 14. Jahrhundert {n}
med. stat. 14-day notification rate14-Tage-Melderate {f}
14-day quarantine14-tägige Quarantäne {f}
14-day self-quarantine14-tägige Selbstquarantäne {f}
sports 14-goal deficit14-Tore-Rückstand {m}
sports 14-goal margin14-Tore-Vorsprung {m}
radiocarbon datingC-14 Datierung {f}
archaeo. biol. geol. carbon-14 datingC-14-Datierung {f}
4 Words: Others
at a fortnight's notice {adv} [esp. Br.]bei 14-tägiger Kündigung
a fortnight ago yesterday {adv} [esp. Br.]gestern vor 14 Tagen
this day fortnight {adv} [esp. Br.]heute in 14 Tagen
at fortnightly intervals {adv}in 14-tägigen Abständen
tomorrow fortnight {adv} [Br.]morgen in 14 Tagen
4 Words: Nouns
biochem. 14-3-3 domain14-3-3-Domäne {f}
biochem. 14-3-3 ligand14-3-3-Ligand {m}
biochem. 14-3-3 protein14-3-3-Protein {n}
med. isolation for 14 daysAbsonderung {f} für 14 Tage [fachspr.]
fortnightly paymentsZahlungen {pl} alle 14 Tage
5+ Words: Others
sth. dates back to the 14th centuryetw. geht auf das 14. Jahrhundert zurück
Pi is roughly the number 3.14.Pi entspricht ungefähr der Zahl 3,14.
5+ Words: Nouns
dent. upper right first premolarrechter erster Prämolar {m} im Oberkiefer <14> [gesprochen: eins vier]
dent. right maxillary first / 1st bicuspidrechter erster Prämolar {m} im Oberkiefer <14> [gesprochen: eins vier]
EU MedTech. Council Directive 93/42/EEC of 14 June 1993 concerning medical devicesRichtlinie {f} 93/42/EWG des Rates vom 14. Juni 1993 über Medizinprodukte
payment within 14 daysZahlung {f} innerhalb von 14 Tagen
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F 11:14 [Greg Marcks]11:14
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
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