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| first {adj} <1st> [German word used with {f} nouns (w or w/o definite article) or {m} / {n} nouns with definite article, e.g. "der erste Eindruck", "(die) erste Hälfte", "das erste Gebot"] | 693 erste | |
| first {adj} <1st> [German word used with {m} nouns without definite article, e.g. "erster Eindruck"] | 24 erster | |
| first {adj} <1st> [German word used with {n} nouns without definite article, e.g. "erstes Gebot"] | 7 erstes | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| 1st century | 1. Jahrhundert {n} | |
| 1st millennium | 1. Jahrtausend {n} | |
| dent. first dentition <1st dentition> | erster Zahndurchbruch {m} <1. Zahndurchbruch> | |
| sports first leg <1st leg> [football] | Hinspiel {n} | |
| mil. first lieutenant <1st Lt> | Oberleutnant {m} | |
| audio first overtone <1st overtone> | erste Oberschwingung {f} <1. Oberschwingung> | |
| ling. first person <1st person> | 1. Person {f} | |
| mus. first position <1st pos.> [on a string instrument] | erste Lage {f} <1. Lage> [bei einem Streichinstrument] | |
| jobs mus. first violinist <1st violinist> | erster Geiger {m} <1. Geiger> | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| math. 1st-order tensor | Tensor {m} 1. Stufe | |
| hist. mil. Aircraftman 1st Class <AC1> [RAF] | Gefreiter {m} <Gefr> [Luftwaffe] | |
| anat. VetMed. first cervical vertebra <1st cervical vertebra, C1 vertebra, C1> [Vertebra cervicalis I] | Nicker {m} [ugs.] <C1, C 1> [erster Halswirbel, Atlas] | |
| anat. VetMed. first lumbar vertebra <1st lumbar vertebra, L1 vertebra, L1> [Vertebra lumbalis I] | erster Lendenwirbel {m} <1. Lendenwirbel, L1, L 1> | |
| QM first party audit <1st-party audit> | First-Party-Audit {n} <1st-Party-Audit> [internes Qualitätsaudit] | |
| QM first party audit <1st-party audit> [internal audit] | internes Audit {n} [internes Qualtätsaudit] | |
| anat. biol. first sacral vertebra <1st sacral vertebra, S1 vertebra, S1> [Vertebra sacralis I] | erster Sakralwirbel {m} <1. Sakralwirbel, S1, S 1> | |
| anat. VetMed. first thoracic vertebra <1st thoracic vertebra, T1 vertebra, T1> [Vertebra thoracica I] | erster Brustwirbel {m} <1. Brustwirbel, Th1, Th 1> | |
| med. tech. first-line service <1st line service> [also: first line service] | First-Line-Service {m} | |
| electr. phys. Kirchhoff's 1st law | 1. Kirchhoff'sches Gesetz {n} | |
| pol. May 1st rally | Erste-Mai-Kundgebung {f} | |
| mil. private 1st class [Am.] | Hauptgefreiter {m} | |
| mil. Private 1st Class <PFC> [USAAF] | Gefreiter {m} <Gefr> [Luftwaffe] | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| hist. mil. 1st Foot Guard Regiment [German Empire] | 1. Garde-Regiment {n} zu Fuß [Infanterieverband der Preußischen Armee] | |
| chem. med. pharm. first-order (elimination) kinetics [treated as sg.] <1st order (elimination) kinetics> | Eliminationskinetik {f} erster Ordnung <Eliminationskinetik 1. Ordnung> | |
| electr. first-order lag element <1st order lag element, P-T1 element> | Verzögerungsglied {n} erster Ordnung <Verzögerungsglied 1. Ordnung, P-T1-Glied> | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| hist. mil. 13th Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Handschar (1st Croatian) [SS-formation of Muslim Bosnian volunteers] | 13. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division {f} der SS „Handschar“ (kroatische Nr. 1) [SS-Verband aus muslimischen bosnischen Freiwilligen] | |
| hist. mil. 21st Waffen Mountain Division of the SS Skanderbeg (1st Albanian) [SS-formation of Albanian volunteers] | 21. Waffen-Gebirgs-Division {f} der SS „Skanderbeg“ (albanische Nr. 1) [SS-Formation albanischer Freiwilliger] | |
| hist. mil. 27th SS Volunteer Division Langemarck (1st Flemish) [SS-formation of volunteers of the Flemish ethnic group in Belgium] | 27. SS-Freiwilligen-Grenadier-Division {f} „Langemarck“ (flämische Nr. 1) [SS-Formation aus Freiwilligen der flämischen Volksgruppe in Belgien] | |
| hist. mil. 29th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Italian) [also known as Italian Legion or Italia, SS-formation of Italian volunteers] | 29. Waffen-Grenadier-Division {f} der SS (italienische Nr. 1) [auch bekannt als Italienische SS-Legion oder Division Italia, SS-Verband italienischer Freiwilliger] | |
| hist. mil. 29th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS RONA (1st Russian) [RONA stands for Russian National Army of Liberation, Russian volunteer formation of the SS] | 29. Waffen-Grenadier-Division {f} der SS „RONA“ (russische Nr. 1) [RONA steht für Russische Volksbefreiungsarmee, SS-Verband aus russischen Freiwilligen] | |
| hist. mil. 33rd Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS Charlemagne (1st French) [SS-formation of French volunteers] | 33. Waffen-Grenadier-Division {f} der SS „Charlemagne“ (französische Nr. 1) [SS-Formation französischer Freiwilliger] | |
| electr. first-order (time) delay element <1st order (time) delay element> | Verzögerungsglied {n} erster Ordnung <Verzögerungsglied 1. Ordnung> | |
| pol. Grand Cross 1st class of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany | Großkreuz {n} des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland | |
| dent. left mandibular first / 1st bicuspid | linker erster Prämolar {m} im Unterkiefer <34> [gesprochen: drei vier] | |
| dent. left maxillary first / 1st bicuspid | linker erster Prämolar {m} im Oberkiefer <24> [gesprochen: zwei vier] | |
| dent. left maxillary first / 1st molar | linker erster Molar {m} im Oberkiefer <26> [gesprochen: zwei sechs] | |
| dent. right mandibular first / 1st bicuspid | rechter erster Prämolar {m} im Unterkiefer <44> [gesprochen: vier vier] | |
| dent. right maxillary first / 1st bicuspid | rechter erster Prämolar {m} im Oberkiefer <14> [gesprochen: eins vier] | |
| dent. right maxillary first / 1st molar | rechter erster Molar {m} im Oberkiefer <16> [gesprochen: ein sechs] | |
| bibl. the 1st / 2nd Book of Kings | das 1. / 2. Buch {n} der Könige | |
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