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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: German
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Dictionary English German: German

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ADJ   German | more German | most German
NOUN1   a German | Germans
NOUN2   German [language] | -
SYNO   German | German language | High German
German {adj} <Ger.>
deutsch <dt.>
acad. ling. German {adj} [studies]
German {adj}teutsch [veraltet] [deutsch]
hist. ling. German {adj} [1871-1945, used by German speakers outside the territory]reichsdeutsch
german {adj} [obs.] [germane]nah verwandt
ling. German2
Deutsch {n}
ethn. German1 [male person from Germany]
Deutscher {m}
ethn. German1 [female person from Germany]
Deutsche {f}
Piefke {m} [österr.] [ugs.] [oft pej.: Deutscher]
German1 Teutscher {m} [veraltet] [Deutscher]
myth. German [mythological being]German {m} [mythologisches Wesen]
2 Words: Others
pol. (German) Federal {adj}Bundes-
all German {adj}ganz deutsch
all-German {adj}gesamtdeutsch
hist. pol. Anglo-German {adj}anglodeutsch
pol. sociol. anti-German {adj}antideutsch
anti-German {adj}deutschfeindlich
anti-German {adj}deutschlandfeindlich
atypical German {adj}undeutsch [als nicht typisch deutsch angesehen]
completely German {adj}deutsch durch und durch
domestic German {adj}innerdeutsch
East German {adj}ostdeutsch <ostd., ostdt.>
essentially German {adj}urdeutsch
hist. sociol. ethnic German {adj} [esp. concerning German nationalism / Nazism]deutschvölkisch
ethnically German {adj}volksdeutsch [Gebrauch besonders nationalsozialistisch]
Federal German {adj}bundesdeutsch
Franco-German {adj}deutschfranzösisch
Franco-German {adj}deutsch-französisch
Franco-German {adj}französisch-deutsch
German (band) [Br.] [cockney rhyming slang: hand][Cockney Rhyming Slang für: Hand]
pol. German Federal {adj}bundesdeutsch
hist. pol. German National {adj}deutschnational
relig. German Order {adj}Deutschorden-
relig. German Order {adj}Deutschordens-
German-American {adj}deutschamerikanisch
ind. German-assembled {adj} [car, aircraft etc.]in Deutschland montiert / zusammengebaut [Auto, Flugzeug etc.]
German-Austrian {adj}deutschösterreichisch
German-Austrian {adj}deutsch-österreichisch
geogr. German-based {adj}in Deutschland ansässig
geogr. German-based {adj} [person]in Deutschland lebend
German-born {adj}in Deutschland geboren
geogr. German-bred {adj}in Deutschland aufgewachsen
econ. geogr. ind. German-built {adj} [car, ship, aircraft etc.]in Deutschland gebaut [Auto, Schiff, Flugzeug etc.]
econ. geogr. ind. German-built {adj} [product, car etc.]in Deutschland hergestellt
educ. geogr. German-educated {adj} [person]in Deutschland ausgebildet
German-educated {adj} [person]in Deutschland zur Schule gegangen
naut. German-flagged {adj} [ship]unter deutscher Flagge [nachgestellt]
hist. German-German {adj}deutsch-deutsch
agr. geogr. German-grown {adj} [wheat, hop etc.]in Deutschland angebaut [Weizen, Hopfen etc.]
hist. mil. pol. German-held {adj}durch die Deutschen besetzt
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A 2025-01-29: Twists of English or German Language
Q 2025-01-04: title page of edition of a text in German, followed by an English translation
A 2024-12-01: German passive voice
Q 2024-11-30: an unusual German abbreviation
Q 2024-11-09: German abbreviation WV
A 2024-10-11: Idiomatic English prefers understatement, German tends to overstate
A 2024-10-06: I don't know about the EN. Thirtieth regulation?? German explanation:
Q 2024-10-06: German payslip abbreviations
A 2024-05-26: I think German word order
A 2024-04-16: The proposed change to the German sounds more idiomatic to me.
A 2024-03-18: False friend: The German "Cord" is "courduroy".
Q 2024-02-08: How to say these in German? Thanks for letting ...
A 2023-12-11: There’s lots of terms in German that have both a Germanic and a borrowed s...
Q 2023-12-07: How to say it in german?
A 2023-11-11: Just because the German is
Q 2023-10-31: treants - (german)?
Q 2023-10-24: in order for someone - grammar in German
Q 2023-10-18: German Idiom meaning https://www.dict.cc/?s=%22Es+wirkt+wie+ein+rotes+Tuch.%22
Q 2023-09-19: Is there a name for vegan/vegetarian bean sausages in German?
Q 2023-09-12: Anyone raised chickens? What do you call "lash eggs" in German?

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