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Dictionary English German: Knight

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NOUN   a knight | knights
VERB  to knight | knighted | knighted ... 
SYNO   to dub | to knight | horse | knight
to knight sb.jdn. adeln [zum Ritter schlagen]
to knight sb.jdn. zum Ritter schlagen
to knight sb.jdn. in den Ritterstand erheben
Ritter {m}
games knight [chess]
Springer {m} [Schach]
games knight [chess]
Pferd {n} [Schach]
Edelmann {m}
mil. knight
Recke {m} [veraltet für Kämpfer, Held oder Ritter]
games knight [chess]
Gaul {m} [sl.] [Springer beim Schach]
knightReuter {m} [veraltete Rsv. von Reiter/Ritter]
knight [chess]Rössel {n} [südd.]
knight [chess]Rössl {n} [südd.]
2 Words: Nouns
(knight's) castleRittersitz {m} [Ritterburg]
hist. (Knight) HospitallerMalteser {m} [Malteserritter]
black knightSchwarzer Ritter {m}
errant knightfahrender Ritter {m}
games king's knight <KK> [also: king knight] [chess]Königsspringer {m} [Schach]
educ. hist. knight academy [aristocratic German educational institution]Ritterakademie {f}
Knight Commander <KC> [Br.]Großoffizier {m}
knight errantfahrender Ritter {m}
games knight fork [chess]Springergabel {f} [Schach]
hist. Knight HospitallerMalteserritter {m}
mil. knight orderRitterorden {m}
hist. knight serviceRitterlehen {n}
hist. knight tournamentRitterturnier {n}
knight-errantfahrender Ritter {m}
armour knight's armor [Am.]Ritterrüstung {f}
armour knight's armour [Br.]Ritterrüstung {f}
knight's castleRitterburg {f}
hist. knight's estateRittergut {n}
knight's feeRitterlehen {n}
hist. knight's fief [Holy Roman Empire]Ritterlehen {n}
hist. knight's fiefs [Holy Roman Empire]Schildlehen {pl}
archi. knight's hallRittersaal {m}
knight's mealRitteressen {n}
knight's move [chess]Rösselsprung {m} [südd.]
mil. knight's orderRitterorden {m}
toys pewter knightZinnsoldat {m}
gastr. poor knight [French toast]armer Ritter {m} [Frühstücksgericht]
hist. robber knightRaubritter {m}
lit. quote Roman knightRömerritter {m} [bei Kleist etc.; für: römischer Ritter]
Teutonic KnightDeutschordensritter {m}
hist. Teutonic KnightDeutschritter {m} [Deutschordensritter]
econ. white knightweißer Ritter {m}
econ. white knight [fig.]Krisenbekämpfer {m} [Retter in der Not]
econ. white knight [fig.]Retter {m} in der Not [auch: weißer Ritter]
3 Words: Nouns
armour knight in armor [Am.]geharnischter Ritter {m}
Knight of MaltaMalteserritter {m}
Knight of RhodesMalteserritter {m}
knight-at-armsRitter {m}
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Q 2018-12-07: to white knight
A 2018-09-27: Christian Morgenstern (Übersetzer Max Knight)
A 2016-10-24: Looks like +a count's knight followers+
A 2015-07-03: Cf. Encyclopaedia of Medieval Knights > Medieval Knights > Becoming a Knight
A 2015-07-03: Simply a +new knight+
A 2015-07-02: newly / freshly / recently accoladed knight
A 2015-02-25: at MichaelK: you might like the excellent Galgenlieder translations by Max...
Q 2015-01-17: knight of cups
A 2014-02-20: The knight is in armour
A 2013-05-15: @ perseverance: There is an excellent translation of Christian Morgenstern...
A 2012-03-01: .....a knight dipped in moonshine
A 2012-02-29: I would give a Knight deep in moonshine.
A 2012-02-29: I would give a Knight deep in moonshine.
A 2011-05-31: Normally, you have cystic lumps lanced - but in this case, the lump was a ...
A 2010-01-12: Ah! Max Knight is an American indeed
A 2010-01-12: no, it doesn't; but blame Max Knight (translator of very many Morgenstern poems)
A 2009-12-08: AHHH! "it was a dark and stormy KNIGHT..." all right...! German nonsense p...
A 2009-12-08: Einen Fehler habe ich schon gefunden....knight sondern night
A 2009-09-07: Or else: knights errant http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knight-errant
A 2009-08-08: Max Knight translated hundreds of Galgenlieder

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