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English-German translation for: Sisters
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Dictionary English German: Sisters

Translation 1 - 59 of 59

English German
NOUN   a sister | sisters
Schwestern {pl}
2 Words: Nouns
adopted sistersAdoptivschwestern {pl}
adoptive sistersAdoptivschwestern {pl}
relig. Augustinian sistersAugustinerinnen {pl}
relig. Brigidine Sisters {pl}Brigittenorden {m} <CSB>
relig. Brigidine Sisters {pl} <CSB>Brigitten {pl}
foster sistersPflegeschwestern {pl}
half-sistersHalbschwestern {pl}
relig. Norbertine SistersPrämonstratenserinnen {pl}
relig. Passionist SistersPassionistinnen {pl}
relig. Premonstratensian SistersPrämonstratenserinnen {pl}
relig. Rosary SistersRosenkranzschwestern {pl}
relig. Salesian SistersSalesianerinnen {pl}
astron. Seven Sisters {pl}Sieben Schwestern {pl}
astron. Seven Sisters {pl} [Pleiades] [star cluster]Siebengestirn {n}
relig. Stigmatine Sisters <PFSS> [Povere Figlie delle Sacre Stimmate di S. Francesco d'Assisi]Stigmatinerinnen {pl}
twin sistersZwillingsschwestern {pl}
myth. weird sisters [poet.]Nornen {pl}
myth. weird sisters [poet.]Schicksalsgöttinnen {pl}
myth. weird sisters [poet.]Schicksalsschwestern {pl}
3 Words: Nouns
brothers and sistersGeschwister {pl}
sisters-in-lawSchwägerinnen {pl}
4 Words: Nouns
full brothers and sistersvollbürtige Geschwister {pl}
half brothers and sistershalbbürtige Geschwister {pl}
half-brothers and sistersHalbgeschwister {pl}
relig. Holy Spirit Adoration SistersSteyler Anbetungsschwestern {pl} <SSpSAP> [Congregatio Servarum Spiritus Sancti de Adoratione Perpetua]
relig. Holy Spirit Missionary SistersSteyler Missionsschwestern {pl} <SSpS> [Congregatio Servarum Spiritus Sancti]
relig. Rosminian Sisters of ProvidenceRosminianerinnen {pl}
relig. Sisters of Christian Charity <SCC, S.C.C.>Schwestern {pl} der Christlichen Liebe
Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence <S.P.I., SPI>Schwestern {pl} der Perpetuellen Indulgenz <S.P.I., SPI>
relig. Sisters of St. ElisabethElisabethinen {pl}
relig. Sisters of the AnnunciationAnnunziatinnen {pl}
relig. Vincentian Sisters of CharityVinzentinerinnen {pl}
5+ Words: Others
Do you have any brothers or sisters?Hast du Geschwister?
film quote He was a very loving man. He was always kissing and touching her and her sisters. [Forrest Gump]Er war ein sehr liebevoller Mann! Dauernd hat er Jenny und ihre Schwester geküsst und gestreichelt!
How many brothers and sisters have you got?Wie viele Brüder und Schwestern hast du?
without any brothers or sisters {adj} {adv} [postpos.]geschwisterlos
5+ Words: Nouns
relig. (School) Sisters of Notre DameArme Schulschwestern {pl} von unserer Lieben Frau
relig. Angelic Sisters of Saint Paul <ASSP>Angeliken {pl}
relig. convent of the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de PaulVinzentinerinnenkloster {n}
relig. Religious Order of the Sisters of Mercy <RSM>Orden {m} der Barmherzigen Schwestern
relig. Sisters of Christ the KingChristkönigsschwestern {pl}
relig. Sisters of Our Lady of Zion <N.D.S., NDS>Schwestern {pl} Unserer Lieben Frau von Sion [Sionsschwestern] <NDS, N.D.S.>
relig. Sisters of St Joseph of the Sacred HeartSchwestern {pl} des Heiligen Joseph vom Heiligen Herzen
relig. Sisters of the Holy CrossKreuzschwestern {pl}
relig. Sisters of the Poor Child JesusSchwestern {pl} vom armen Kinde Jesu
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Marianne and Juliane / The German Sisters [UK title]Die bleierne Zeit [Margarethe von Trotta]
film F Sisters [Brian De Palma]Die Schwestern des Bösen
film F Sisters, or the Balance of HappinessSchwestern oder Die Balance des Glücks [Margarethe von Trotta]
lit. F The Little Sisters of Eluria [Stephen King]Die Kleinen Schwestern von Eluria [Kurzgeschichte]
film F The Magdalene Sisters [Peter Mullan]Die unbarmherzigen Schwestern
film F The Sisters [Anatole Litvak (1938 film)]Drei Schwestern aus Montana
lit. theatre F Three Sisters [Anton Chekhov]Drei Schwestern [Anton Tschechow]
lit. F Where There's a Will / Sisters in Trouble [abridged] [Rex Stout]Kennzeichen wilde Rose
lit. F Wyrd Sisters [Terry Pratchett]MacBest
lit. F Weird Sisters [Three Witches] [Shakespeare: Macbeth]Seltsame Schwestern {pl} [bei Dorothea Tieck] [die drei Hexen]
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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A 2012-12-11: I've just realised that I missed out a comma - brothers, sisters and cousins.
Q 2011-04-28: My beloved verb "merken" along with its bigger sisters !!!!!
A 2010-10-12: Brothers and sisters? I spent my whole bloody childhood wearing out my cou...
A 2010-10-12: @ Nordic - I know clothes from older brothers and sisters as hand-me-downs.
A 2010-01-28: Without the context I would have interpreted "sisters" to mean
Q 2009-12-08: Christmas cards for boyfriend's parents and sisters
Q 2009-10-27: Six brothers and sisters
A 2009-06-23: In der Tat. Die mädls können was - von Andachtsjodeln bis Andrews Sisters.
A 2009-06-15: Maybe the McGuire Sisters rather than Rosemary C, but hey, at my age ....
A 2008-11-14: those two thieves might have been sisters, perhaps...
A 2008-02-24: If you have missed the last bus, you can also ring up / call your parents ...
A 2007-10-01: Geschwister > brothers and sisters; siblings: steif und formell wie "Gebrü...
A 2007-09-25: I was child number eight. I was my brothers' and sisters' toy.
A 2007-03-24: ddr is right. After WWII, us kids had to "auftragen" the clothes of our el...
A 2007-02-03: Esmeralda, they may be sisters doing what their mother did and there is no...
A 2006-06-12: community of sisters
A 2004-12-24: After 1927 the two sisters meet again on July 6th 1965 in W.
A 2004-03-07: those who have married sisters

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