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English-German translation for: Temple
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Dictionary English German: Temple

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NOUN   a temple | temples
SYNO   synagogue | tabernacle | temple
anat. VetMed. temple [Tempus]
Schläfe {f}
archi. relig. temple
Tempel {m}
optics temple [earpiece]
Brillenbügel {m}
archi. relig. temple [Am.] [synagogue]
Synagoge {f}
archaeo. archi. relig. temple [sanctuary, shrine]
Heiligtum {n} [Tempel]
optics temple [earpiece]
Bügel {m} [Brillenbügel]
archaeo. archi. temple [temple complex]
Tempelanlage {f} [Tempel]
relig. temple [Am.] [synagogue]
Bethaus {n} [Synagoge]
archi. relig. templeTempelbau {m} [Gebäude]
archi. relig. temple [synagogue] [Reform Judaism]Tempel {m} [Synagoge] [Reformjudentum]
2 Words: Others
archi. temple-like {adj}tempelartig
2 Words: Nouns
archi. relig. ancestral templeAhnentempel {m}
archaeo. archi. relig. antae temple [templum in antis]Antentempel {m}
archaeo. archi. relig. Ares templeArestempel {m}
archaeo. archi. relig. Artemis templeArtemistempel {m}
archaeo. archi. hist. astylar templeAstylos {m} [antiker Tempel ohne Säulen zwischen den Anten]
market. brand templeMarkentempel {m}
hist. relig. cave templeHöhlentempel {m}
archi. colonnaded templeSäulentempel {m}
comm. consumption templeKonsumtempel {m}
archi. relig. cult-templeKulttempel {m}
relig. fire templeFeuertempel {m}
relig. fire temple [Zoroastrian]Feuerheiligtum {n}
archaeo. archi. relig. fortress templeFestungstempel {m}
archi. funerary templeGrabtempel {m}
archi. relig. funerary templeTotentempel {m}
archaeo. archi. hypaethral templeHypäthraltempel {m}
archaeo. Karnak TempleKarnaktempel {m} [auch: Karnak-Tempel]
archaeo. archi. relig. main templeHaupttempel {m}
relig. Mormon templeMormonentempel {m}
archaeo. archi. relig. mortuary templeTotentempel {m}
archaeo. archi. relig. oval templeOvaltempel {m}
hist. relig. Peoples TempleVolkstempel {m}
archi. hist. peripteral templePeripteraltempel {m}
archi. hist. peripteral templePeripteros {m}
archaeo. archi. relig. podium templePodiumstempel {m}
archaeo. archi. relig. principal templeHaupttempel {m}
archi. hist. relig. prostyle (temple)Prostylostempel {m}
archaeo. archi. pyramid templePyramidentempel {m}
archaeo. archi. rock templeFelsentempel {m}
archaeo. archi. hist. Roman templeRömertempel {m}
archaeo. archi. ruined templeTempelruine {f}
gastr. Shirley Temple [cocktail]Shirley Temple {m}
archi. relig. Siddheshwar TempleSiddheswara-Tempel {m} [auch: Sidhesvar-Tempel]
archaeo. archi. relig. Sobek templeSobek-Tempel {m} [auch: Sobektempel]
hist. relig. Solomon's TempleSalomonischer Tempel {m}
archaeo. relig. South Temple [Petra]Südtempel {m}
relig. sun templeSonnentempel {m}
archi. temple architectureTempelarchitektur {f}
archaeo. archi. relig. temple areaTempelareal {n}
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A 2015-05-01: Cf. temple work
A 2011-10-13: The temple analogy is quite common in AE.
A 2011-10-13: temple of the body
A 2011-09-16: curl(ed) temple / riding bow
A 2011-04-01: I like that "to temple sb."
A 2011-03-31: temple maid
Q 2011-03-31: to temple somebody
A 2009-06-17: @Naometria (measured the Temple today?), the second part is wrong
A 2009-06-04: @mwk: The artist is of no improtance, the text is about a frieze on a Gree...
A 2009-04-29: @ ddr, yes, I thought about that, but one doesn't usually get wrinkles in ...
Q 2008-09-02: Was ist ein bi-prostyle temple auf deutsch?
A 2008-05-16: Miss Temple kann sie ja auch gar nicht die Kehle durchschneiden
A 2008-05-16: obwohl - würde man eine Nebenbuhlerin "Miss Temple" nennen ? nein, ich gla...
A 2008-05-16: Hoffentlich schneidet sie wenigstens Miss Temple die Kehle
A 2008-05-16: imho sticht sie pausenlos auf seinen Hals ein (schneidet ihm die Kehle dur...
A 2004-06-19: gourmet temple

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