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English-German translation for: abbey
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Dictionary English German: abbey

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NOUN1   an abbey | abbeys
NOUN2   the Abbey [Westminster Abbey] | -
archi. relig. abbey
Kloster {n}
archi. relig. abbey
Abtei {f}
archi. relig. abbey
Stift {n} [österr.] [Abtei, Kloster]
archi. relig. abbey [church of an abbey]
Abteikirche {f}
archi. relig. abbey [church of an abbey]
Klosterkirche {f}
relig. abbey
Konvent {m} [Abtei]
archi. relig. TrVocab. the Abbey [Westminster Abbey](die) Westminster Abbey {f}
archi. relig. the Abbey [Westminster Abbey]die Abteikirche {f} von Westminster
2 Words: Nouns
archi. relig. abbey buildingAbteigebäude {n}
archi. relig. abbey churchAbteikirche {f}
archi. relig. abbey churchKlosterkirche {f}
archi. relig. abbey churchStiftskirche {f} [österr.] [Abteikirche, Klosterkirche]
archi. relig. abbey complexAbteikomplex {m}
archi. abbey courtyardKlosterhof {m}
hort. relig. abbey gardenAbteigarten {m}
hort. relig. abbey gardenKlostergarten {m} [einer Abtei]
libr. relig. abbey libraryStiftsbibliothek {f}
abbey museumAbteimuseum {n}
relig. abbey museumKlostermuseum {n}
hist. relig. abbey sealAbteisiegel {n}
relig. abbey wallsKlostermauern {pl}
archi. relig. Augustine abbeyAugustinerabtei {f}
archi. relig. Augustinian abbeyAugustinerabtei {f}
archi. hist. relig. Banz AbbeyKloster {n} Banz
archi. relig. Benedictine abbeyBenediktinerabtei {f}
archi. relig. Benedictine abbeyBenediktinerkloster {n}
archi. relig. Capuchian abbeyKapuzinerabtei {f}
archi. relig. Carmelite abbeyKarmeliterabtei {f}
archi. relig. Carthusian abbeyKartäuserabtei {f}
archi. relig. Cistercian abbeyZisterzienserkloster {n}
archi. relig. Dominican abbeyDominikanerabtei {f}
archi. relig. Franciscan abbeyFranziskanerabtei {f}
archi. relig. Göttweig AbbeyStift {n} Göttweig
archi. relig. Heisterbach AbbeyKloster {n} Heisterbach
hist. relig. Hirsau Abbey [formerly: Hirschau Abbey]Kloster {n} Hirsau [ehemals: Kloster Hirschau]
hist. relig. imperial abbeyReichsabtei {f}
hist. relig. imperial abbeyReichskloster {n}
hist. relig. imperial abbeyReichsstift {n} [Reichsabtei]
archi. relig. individual abbeyEinzelabtei {f}
archi. relig. UWH Melk AbbeyStift {n} Melk
archi. relig. Metten AbbeyAbtei {f} Metten
hist. relig. Petershausen AbbeyKloster {n} Petershausen
hist. relig. primary abbey [Cistercians]Primarabtei {f}
hist. relig. princely abbeyFürstabtei {f}
hist. relig. princely abbeyFürststift {n}
archi. relig. UWH Quedlinburg AbbeyStift {n} Quedlinburg
archi. relig. ruined abbeyAbteiruine {f}
archi. relig. ruined abbeyKlosterruine {f}
hist. relig. Säckingen AbbeyDamenstift {n} Säckingen
relig. territorial abbeyGebietsabtei {f}
archi. hist. relig. Tintern AbbeyTintern Abbey {f}
archi. relig. Trappist abbeyTrappistenabtei {f}
archi. relig. Trappist abbeyTrappistenkloster {n}
archi. hist. relig. Weingarten AbbeyAbtei {f} Weingarten
archi. relig. Westminster AbbeyWestminsterabtei {f}
relig. Westminster AbbeyWestminster Abbey {f}
archi. relig. Westminster AbbeyWestmünster-Abtei {f} [sehr veraltet] [heute üblicherweise unübersetzt übernommen]
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. (Belgian) Abbey beerAbteibier {n}
UWH Abbey of LorschKloster {n} Lorsch
archi. relig. Premonstratensian abbey / prioryPrämonstratenserkloster {n}
hist. relig. royal abbey / monasteryKönigskloster {n}
hist. relig. St. Blaise Abbey [also: Saint Blaise Abbey]Kloster {n} St. Blasien [auch: Kloster Sankt Blasien]
4 Words: Nouns
archi. relig. (Abbey of) Monte CassinoAbtei {f} Montecassino
hist. relig. (Princely) Abbey of FuldaKloster {n} Fulda
archi. relig. abbey of Benedictine nunsBenediktinerinnenkloster {n}
archi. relig. abbey of Cistercian nunsZisterzienserinnenkloster {n}
5+ Words: Nouns
relig. Abbey of Saint / St. VincentVinzenzkloster {n}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F A Heavenly Houseguest [Emily Dalton]Der Engel von Castlerigg Abbey
lit. F Northanger Abbey [Jane Austen]Die Abtei von Northanger
art F The Abbey in the OakwoodAbtei im Eichwald [Caspar David Friedrich]
lit. F The Adventure of the Abbey Grange [Arthur Conan Doyle]Abbey Grange
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A 2012-08-01: It's Downton Abbey, lad. Not downtown. I can't get enough of this fantasy....
A 2011-01-17: Abbey: so geschrieben wegen der Aussprache; +Abi+ (< Abigail) könnte auch ...
A 2011-01-17: By second name, I meant she could have been Abbey Dawn Smith :-)
Q 2011-01-17: Abbey Dawn
A 2010-04-01: A monastery is where monks are, a convent has nuns and an abbey could be either.
A 2010-04-01: It could be monastery, convent, abbey ...
A 2009-10-12: ignorant wie ich bin, nur beatles, kenne ich "any jobber got the sack", au...
A 2009-05-07: Due to my high experience I yesterday was offered the office of a Steward ...
A 2006-01-08: Large village that belonged to the Cistercian Abbey of Kamieniec since 1230.
A 2005-11-25: Stift > abbey; Stiftspäne > abbey chips, eh?

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