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English-German translation for: bicomponent filament
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Dictionary English German: bicomponent filament

Translation 1 - 50 of 97  >>

chem. textil. bicomponent filamentBikomponentenfilament {n}
Partial Matches
filamentDraht {m}
electr. filamentFaden {m}
filamentFaser {f}
bot. electr. spec. filamentFilament {n}
electr. filamentGlühdraht {m}
electr. filamentHeizdraht {m}
electr. filamentHeizfaden {m}
electr. MedTech. filamentHeizung {f} [Heizdraht, bei Röhren]
electr. filamentHeizwendel {f} [auch ugs. {m} und {n}]
tech. filamentLeuchtdraht {m}
bot. filamentStaubfaden {m}
electr. (incandescent) filamentGlühfaden {m} [in Glühbirnen]
(measuring) filamentMessdraht {m} [Messtechnik]
chem. textil. acetate filamentAcetatfilament {n}
biol. actin filamentAktinfilament {n}
chem. textil. antistatic filamentantistatisches Filament {n}
biol. axial filamentAxialfilament {n}
electr. carbon filamentKohlefaden {m} [Glühfaden aus Kohle in Glühlampen]
electr. carbon filamentKohlenfaden {m} [Rsv.] [Kohlefaden]
electr. cathode filamentKathodenglühfaden {m} [Glühkathode]
electr. coiled filamentGlühwendel {f} [ugs. auch {m}, auch {n}]
copper filament(dünner) Kupferdraht {m}
biochem. cytokeratin filamentZytokeratinfilament {n}
biochem. daughter filamentTochterfilament {n}
biochem. desmin filamentDesminfilament {n}
electr. MedTech. double filamentDoppelwendel {f} [Doppelglühdraht]
electr. MedTech. filament currentHeizfadenstrom {m}
electr. filament currentHeizstrom {m}
MedTech. filament heatingAufnahmeheizung {f} [Heizstrom, Röntgenröhre]
filament heatingelektrische Heizung {f}
electr. filament lampGlühlampe {f}
electr. material filament materialGlühfadenmaterial {n}
biol. filament morphologyFilamentmorphologie {f}
MedTech. filament powerHeizleistung {f} [Röntgen- / Vakuumröhre]
biochem. filament proteinFilamentprotein {n}
electr. filament resistanceFadenwiderstand {m} [Größe]
tech. filament thermometerFadenthermometer {n}
electr. MedTech. filament transfomerHeiztransformator {m}
MedTech. phys. filament voltageGlühspannung {f} [Röntgen-/Vakuumröhre]
MedTech. phys. filament voltageGlühwendelspannung {f} [Röntgen-/Vakuumröhre]
electr. MedTech. filament voltageHeizfadenspannung {f}
MedTech. phys. filament voltageHeizspannung {f} [Röntgen-/Vakuumröhre]
textil. filament yarnFilamentgarn {n}
astron. galaxy filamentFilament {n}
biol. zool. gastral filamentGastralfilament {n}
zool. gill filamentKiemenfilament {n}
tech. glass filamentGlasfaden {m}
tech. glass filamentGlasfilament {n}
tech. heated filamentHeizdraht {m}
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