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English-German translation for: canine
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Dictionary English German: canine

Translation 1 - 63 of 63


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NOUN   a canine | canines
SYNO   canine | canine tooth | cuspid ... 
VetMed. zool. canine {adj}
zool. canine {adj} <K9>
canine {adj}
zool. T
dent. canine
Eckzahn {m} <3er>
dent. canine
Dreier {m} <3er> [Erwachsenen- und Milchzahngebiss]
dent. canine
Caninus {m}
2 Words: Nouns
biol. zool. canine (tooth)Fangzahn {m}
canine areaHundebereich {m} [z. B. im Tierheim]
biol. zool. canine behavior [Am.]Hundeverhalten {n}
biol. zool. canine behaviour [Br.]Hundeverhalten {n}
VetMed. canine boneHundeknochen {m} [Knochen eines Hundes]
zool. canine brainHundegehirn {n}
VetMed. canine brucellosisHundebrucellose {f}
VetMed. canine demodicosiscanine Demodikose {f}
canine devotionhündische Ergebenheit {f}
VetMed. canine diabetesHundediabetes {m}
VetMed. canine diabetesDiabetes {m} bei Hunden
VetMed. canine distemperStaupe {f}
dent. canine eminenceEckzahntuberanz {f} [im Oberkiefer]
zool. canine eyeHundeauge {n}
anat. canine fossa [Fossa canina]Eckzahngrube {f}
biol. zool. canine genomeHundegenom {n}
dent. canine guidanceEckzahnführung {f}
jobs canine handlerHundeführer {m}
VetMed. canine heartworm [Dirofilaria immitis]Hundeherzwurm {m}
canine hygieneHundehygiene {f}
VetMed. canine hypothyroidismcanine Hypothyreose {f}
VetMed. canine influenzaHundeinfluenza {f}
VetMed. canine leukaemia [Br.]Hundeleukämie {f}
VetMed. canine leukemia [Am.]Hundeleukämie {f}
VetMed. canine madness [rabies]Hundetollwut {f}
canine nippleHundezitze {f}
canine noseHundenase {f}
canine officerDiensthundeführer {m}
biol. canine parvoviruscanines Parvovirus {n}
VetMed. canine penisHundepenis {m}
VetMed. canine piroplasmosisHundemalaria {f} [ugs.] [Hundepiroplasmose]
dent. canine regionEckzahnbereich {m}
dent. canine riseEckzahnführung {f}
canine squadHundestaffel {f}
canine teethEckzähne {pl}
canine teethFangzähne {pl} [Eckzähne eines Raubtiers]
anat. dent. zool. canine toothAugenzahn {m} [veraltend]
anat. dent. canine toothEckzahn {m}
canine unitDiensthundeabteilung {f} [österr.]
canine unitHundestaffel {f}
VetMed. infectious tracheobronchitis(canine) infektiöse Tracheobronchitis {f}
3 Words: Nouns
VetMed. canine ceroid lipofuscinosis<CCL>canine Ceroidlipofuszinose {f} <CCL> [auch: canine Ceroid-Lipofuszinose]
VetMed. canine demodectic mangecanine Demodikose {f}
biol. canine distemper virusStaupe-Virus {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
VetMed. canine granulocytic ehrlichiosis <CGE>canine granulozytäre Ehrlichiose {f} <CGE>
VetMed. canine monocytic ehrlichiosis <CME>canine monozytäre Ehrlichiose {f} <CME>
dent. canine-protected articulationeckzahngeschützte Okklusion {f}
dent. lower left caninelinker Eckzahn {m} im Unterkiefer <33> [gesprochen: drei drei]
dent. lower left canine [primary dentition]linker Eckzahn {m} im Unterkiefer <73> [gesprochen: sieben drei] [beim Milchzahngebiss]
dent. lower right caninerechter Eckzahn {m} im Unterkiefer <43> [gesprochen: vier drei]
dent. lower right canine [primary dentition]rechter Eckzahn {m} im Unterkiefer <83> [gesprochen: acht drei] [beim Milchzahngebiss]
dent. upper left caninelinker Eckzahn {m} im Oberkiefer <23> [gesprochen: zwei drei]
dent. upper left canine [primary dentition]linker Eckzahn {m} im Oberkiefer <63> [gesprochen: sechs drei] [beim Milchzahngebiss]
dent. upper right caninerechter Eckzahn {m} im Oberkiefer <13> [gesprochen: eins drei]
dent. upper right canine [primary dentition]rechter Eckzahn {m} im Oberkiefer <53> [gesprochen: fünf drei] [beim Milchzahngebiss]
5+ Words: Nouns
dent. area of the canine toothEckzahnbereich {m}
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A 2015-08-16: ? Pun on human and canine eskimos?
A 2015-03-07: Are there any human races at all? If I look at canine races from German sh...
Q 2013-01-17: Canine antipodeans driving cars? Driving school for dogs in New Zealand ...
A 2011-05-03: canine egesta: Fowler would have called this +pedantic+ or +polysyllabic+ ...
A 2011-05-03: Dachte, du wolltest ein deutsches Wort. Try +canine egesta+
A 2009-04-17: canine breeding..Thanks
A 2009-04-06: the words that belong together are "fellow canine pack members" - "Mitglie...
Q 2009-04-06: fellow canine pack
A 2007-03-31: on a canine note...we had a white German shepherd ...
A 2006-10-01: And how much do you give that strapping canine to eat in his bowl? Mobile ...
A 2006-09-18: A new untamed CANINE defecation control squad in Venice
A 2005-04-13: Bitch? Cow? Who dares offend my canine and bovine friends?

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