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English-German translation for: defence
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Dictionary English German: defence

Translation 1 - 50 of 320  >>

English German
NOUN1   a defence | defences
NOUN2   defence | -
SYNO   defence | defence mechanism ... 
mil. pol. defence {adj} [Br.] [attr.] [matters, spokesperson, etc.; also defence policy]
verteidigungspolitisch [Angelegenheiten, Sprecher etc.]
defence [Br.]
Verteidigung {f}
sports defence [Br.]
Abwehr {f}
defence [Br.]
Wehr {f} [veraltet] [Widerstand, Verteidigung]
defence [Br.]
Schutz {m}
defence [Br.]
Gegenwehr {f}
law mil. defence [Br.]
Defension {f} [veraltet]
sports defence [Br.]
Defensive {f}
archi. defence [Br.]
Einfriedung {f}
games sports defence [Br.]
Deckung {f}
sports defence [Br.]Hintermannschaft {f}
defence [Br.]Trutz {m} [veraltet]
defence [Br.] [defence construction or forces]Schutzwehr {f} [Schutzkonstruktion od. -kräfte]
2 Words: Others
in sb.'s defence {adv} [Br.]zu jds. Ehrenrettung
in sb.'s defence {adv} [Br.]zu jds. Rechtfertigung
in sb.'s defence {adv} [Br.]zu jds. Verteidigung
2 Words: Verbs
law to conduct sb.'s defence [Br.]jdn. vor Gericht verteidigen
2 Words: Nouns
(written) defence [Br.]Verteidigungsschrift {f}
adequate defence [Br.]angemessene Verteidigung {f}
adequate defence [Br.]zweckentsprechende Verteidigung {f}
mil. air defence [Br.]Flugabwehr {f}
mil. air defence [Br.]Luftabwehr {f}
aviat. mil. air defence [Br.]Luftverteidigung {f}
games sports Alekhine's Defence [Br.] [chess]Aljechin-Verteidigung {f} [Schach]
mil. antitank defence [Br.]Panzerabwehr {f}
games Baltic Defence [Br.] [chess opening]Baltische Verteidigung {f} [Schacheröffnung]
games Berlin defence [Br.] [chess]Berliner Verteidigung {f} [Schach]
body's defence [Br.]Abwehrkraft {f}
sports central defence [Br.]Abwehrzentrum {n}
sports central defence [Br.]Innenverteidigung {f}
FireResc civil defence [Br.]Zivilschutz {m}
civil defence [Br.]ziviler Bevölkerungsschutz {m}
clever defence [Br.]geschickte Verteidigung {f}
coast defence [Br.]Küstenverteidigung {f}
coastal defence [Br.]Küstenschutz {m}
mil. common defence [Br.]gemeinsame Verteidigung {f}
comp. cyber defence [Br.]Cyberabwehr {f} [auch: Cyber-Abwehr]
comp. cyber defence [Br.]Cyberverteidigung {f} [auch: Cyber-Verteidigung]
mil. pol. defence agreement [Br.]Verteidigungsabkommen {n}
defence alert [Br.]Verteidigungsalarm {m}
mil. defence alert [Br.]Verteidigungszustand {m}
mil. pol. defence alliance [Br.]Defensivallianz {f}
mil. pol. defence alliance [Br.]Defensivbündnis {n}
mil. pol. defence alliance [Br.]Verteidigungsallianz {f}
defence alliance [Br.]Verteidigungsbündnis {n}
defence answer [Br.]Klageantwort {f}
mil. defence area [Br.]Verteidigungsbereich {m}
hist. defence association [Br.]Wehrverein {m}
mil. defence behaviour [Br.]Abwehrverhalten {n}
biol. psych. defence behaviour [Br.]Verteidigungsverhalten {n}
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A 2020-03-23: If you're using the British spelling of defence, use the British spelling ...
A 2020-03-22: Legally, a +defence+ is also called an +objection+ < gives you two words f...
A 2018-11-15: https://www.google.de/search?ei=qeTsW4C4MoKXkwX9i6XICw&q=%22what+is+a+defe...
A 2018-11-14: In this case +defence to+ ~ +defence held against a complaint+
Q 2018-04-23: air defence operator
A 2018-04-17: "to admit guilt" is contradictory to "put on a defence"
Q 2018-04-15: put on a defence
A 2018-01-03: precludes an impossibility defence / defense
A 2017-12-18: A defence doesn't mean you won't be found guilty,
Q 2017-12-18: defence (against a criminal charge)
A 2017-05-09: Gymnastics for a dignified defence of the home country
A 2017-05-09: Gymnastics for a dignified defence of the home country
A 2016-12-21: Effective female self-defence / Wirkungsvolle weibliche Selbstverteidigung
Q 2016-12-02: Same attack? No defence?
A 2016-04-01: Defence Talk
A 2014-07-04: defence against
A 2013-05-28: An "Einlassung" is not necessarily a defence, it's just s.th. that is decl...
A 2013-05-11: hail defence action
A 2013-02-06: politicians with (special) responsibilities/-ty (for health, defence, etc.)
A 2012-11-20: In Joel's defence -

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