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Dictionary English German: from

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from {prep}
from {prep}
from {prep}
from {prep} [no art]
vom [Präp. + Art.: von dem]
from {prep}
vor [etw. schützen, bewahren]
from {prep}
vonseiten [+Gen.]
from {prep}von ( ... her)
from {prep}von Seiten [+Gen]
2 Words: Others
(from) henceforth {adv}von nun an
(from) henceforth {adv}von Stund an [geh.] [veraltend]
[I] snatch sth. from sb.[ich] entreiße jdm. etw.Akk.
[you] abstained from[du] enthieltest dich [+Gen.]
across from {prep}gegenüber [+Dat.]
adapted from {prep} [e.g. a film adapted from a novel by ...]nach [+Dat.] [z. B. ein Film nach einem Roman von ...]
alien from {prep} [rare for: alien to]abweichend von [+Dat.]
apart from {prep}ausgenommen
apart from {prep}außer [+Dat.]
apart from {prep}neben [+Dat.] [abgesehen von]
apart from sb./sth. {adv}abgesehen von jdm./etw.
apart from sb./sth. {adj}abgesondert von jdm./etw.
apart from sth. {adj}abseits etw.Gen.
apparent (from) {adj}ersichtlich (aus)
arisen from {past-p}entsprungen
arising fromentspringend
arising fromsich ergebend aus
as from {prep}ab [+Dat.] [zeitlich]
as frommit Wirkung vom
as from [date]Stand (vom) [Datum]
aside from {prep}abgesehen von
aside from {prep} [apart from, besides]neben [+Dat.] [außer]
aside from {prep} [spec. Am., Can.]außer [+Dat.] [neben]
aside from sth. {adv} [apart from, besides sth.]daneben [außerdem, darüber hinaus]
aside from sth. {adv} [chiefly Am.]über etw.Akk. hinaus [außerdem, darüberhinaus]
averse from {adj} [esp. Br.; dated, uncommon]abgeneigt gegen
barred from sth.von etw.Dat. ausgeschlossen
borrowed fromausgeborgt von
borrowing fromausborgend
bought from {past-p}abgekauft
brew brewed (from) {adj} {past-p}gebraut (aus)
buying fromabkaufend
come from {past-p}hergerührt
coming fromherrührend
coming from {pres-p}sich herschreibend
dated from ...datiert vom ...
dating fromherstammen von
deduced fromabgeleitet aus
deduced fromgefolgert aus
deduced from sth. {adj}aus etw.Dat. geschlossen
demanded from {past-p}abverlangt
demanding fromabverlangend
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Q 2024-09-19: hewn from living rock
A 2024-09-01: From my 1984 print Merriam-Webster's Dictionary of Discriminated Synonyms.
Q 2024-06-04: "alien from"?
A 2024-04-30: to drop a perpendicular from a point to a line
A 2024-04-30: Trademark – purpose – to identify the source of the goods, to distinguish ...
Q 2024-04-28: Speed-voting: 27 votes in 6 minutes (this morning from 4:36 am until 4:42 am)
A 2024-04-18: In fact, there are numerous hits from UK gov't websites. Definitely not en...
A 2024-04-03: It had taken them a solid three months to find out where the poison came from
A 2024-03-24: To Elysio – mixing up (1) gifts, from (2) money/assets in the hands of another
A 2024-02-21: he does not suffer from / is not prone to tunnel vision / narrow-mindedness
A 2023-11-06: book pickups from ... to ...
A 2023-10-18: Information from a trained person
Q 2023-09-21: When did google hit counts disappear from search results?
A 2023-09-20: To me a cable car is in the air, suspended from the cable - Seilbahn in AT.
A 2023-05-19: Researched a little. Impressively, it seems that the phrase "from a ten fo...
A 2023-04-17: An illustration from Bing, Microsoft's AI chatbot.
A 2023-04-16: I just googled the same in "" and got 188,000 results, including one from ...
Q 2023-04-14: Imports from dict.tu-chemnitz.de should be checked
A 2023-04-09: Hi, it is a duplicate in my opinion. See the following entry from 2011:
A 2023-03-29: Again, I am from Nashville, and have been following the case religiously.

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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