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English-German translation for: heart
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Dictionary English German: heart

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NOUN   a heart | hearts
VERB  to heart | hearted | hearted ... 
SYNO   center | centre | core | essence ... 
heart {adj} [attr.]
to heart sb. [archaic] [hearten]
jdn. ermutigen
to heart sb./sth. [coll.] [like very much, love; e.g. I NY]
jdn./etw. mögen [auch: gernhaben, lieben]
anat. heart [Cor]
Herz {n}
heart [fig.]
Kern {m} [einer Sache]
Innerstes {n}
heart [courage]
Courage {f} [ugs.] [Beherztheit]
heart [center]
Mittelpunkt {m} [Kern]
heart [fig.]
Herzstück {n} [fig.]
Herze {n} [dichter.] [veraltet] [Herz]
anat. heart
Cor {n}
heart [fig.]Kernstück {n}
heart [in a perfume, fragrance]Herznote {f}
games heart [playing card]Cœur {n} [Herz im französischen Blatt (Spielkarte)]
2 Words: Others
at heart {adv}im Herzen
at heart {adv} [idiom]im Innersten
at heart {adv} [idiom] [essentially]im Grunde (genommen) [Redewendung] [im (tiefsten) Innern]
bleeding heart {adj} [coll.] [pej.]sentimental
bleeding-heart {adj} [attr.] [coll.] [pej.]gefühlsduselig [ugs.] [pej.]
bleeding-heart {adj} [attr.] [coll.] [pej.]gefühlsduslig [ugs.] [pej.]
bleeding-heart {adj} [attr.] [coll.] [pej.]rührselig [hier pej.]
by heart {adv}auswendig
by heart {adv}aus dem Kopf [auswendig]
heart-capturing {adj}herzergreifend
heart-healthy {adj}herzgesund
heart-melting {adj}herzerweichend
heart-pounding {adj}mitreißend
med. heart-protecting {adj}herzschützend
med. heart-protective {adj}herzschützend
heart-rending {adj}herzbewegend
heart-rending {adj}herzergreifend
heart-rending {adj}herzerweichend
heart-rending {adj}herzzerreißend
heart-rending {adj}steinerweichend
heart-rendingly {adv}herzerweichend
heart-rendingly {adv}herzzerreißend
heart-rendingly {adv}steinerweichend
heart-shaped {adj}herzförmig
heart-sick {adj}tiefbetrübt
heart-splitting {adj}herzzerreißend
heart-stopping {adj}packend [spannend]
heart-stopping {adj}spannend
heart-stopping {adj} [e.g. solo, chase, moment]atemberaubend [z. B. Solo, Jagd, Augenblick]
heart-touching {adj}herzergreifend
heart-warming {adj}herzerfreuend
heart-warming {adj}herzerwärmend
heart-wrenching {adj}herzzerreißend
sb. lost heartjd. verlor den Mut
sb. lost heartjdm. sank der Mut
Take heart!Fasse Mut!
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Q 2023-10-08: to look like heart-attack city
A 2023-04-23: UK Highway Code: what every driver in the UK must know by heart and encoun...
Q 2021-12-18: as ready as a heart attack
A 2021-05-31: earnestly, with all his heart
A 2021-01-27: https://www.lexico.com/definition/heart-searching
Q 2021-01-24: It has caused heart searchings in Germany itself.
A 2019-09-10: To abandon something willingly with a heavy heart based on a certain under...
A 2019-05-22: Can you feel the cold hand of death upon your heart?
Q 2019-04-21: who does sometimes allow her heart to run away with her head
Q 2018-09-15: better heart
Q 2018-02-03: put a pin on your Heart
A 2017-04-26: a heart in hiding > ein Herz im Versteck, ein verborgenes Herz; tumble spi...
A 2017-01-12: ok, nun habe ich bleeding heart abgeändert ... pej. als Gutmensch
A 2017-01-10: +Herz Jesu+ und +bleeding heart+ scheinen nur marginal zu überlappen, wenn...
A 2017-01-10: Vorschlag: bleeding heart > gefühlsduseliges Weichei; bleeding-heart (attr...
A 2017-01-10: Oder korrigieren: bleeding heart liberal = ?
A 2017-01-10: ja, Nitram gibt im Comment an: e.g These bleeding heart liberals are the c...
Q 2017-01-10: bleeding heart: informal, derogatory A person considered to be excessively...
Q 2016-12-06: THIS IS MY prayer to thee, my Lord-strike, strike at the root of penury in...
Q 2016-11-10: To know sth (e.g. a song) off by heart.

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