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Dictionary English German: lines

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NOUN   a line | lines
VERB  to line | lined | lined
lining | lines
lines <ll.>
Zeilen {pl}
theatre lines {pl} [of a part, actor]
Text {m} [eines Schauspielers]
Linien {pl}
lines [wrinkles]
Runzeln {pl}
mus. lines [of a stave]
Notenlinien {pl}
educ. lines {pl} [school punishment]
Strafarbeit {f} [einen Satz zur Strafe x-mal schreiben]
rail lines
Geleise {pl} [österr., sonst: geh.]
film theatre lines {pl} [of an actor's part]
Rollentext {m}
anat. lines [hand]
Handlinien {pl}
linesZeichenzeilen {pl}
2 Words: Others
Lines coincide.Linien fallen zusammen.
sb. lines up [queues]jd. reiht sich ein
2 Words: Verbs
drugs to do lines [coll.]koksen [ugs.]
to draw linesliniieren
to draw linesLinien ziehen
educ. to give sb. lines [Br.] [written punishment]jdm. eine Strafarbeit aufgeben
to rule lineslinieren
to rule linesliniieren
drugs to snort lines [coll.] [cocaine]sichDat. Lines reinziehen [ugs.] [Kokain]
to wave linesLinien wellen
2 Words: Nouns
ageing linesAlterslinien {pl}
ind. assembly linesFließbänder {pl}
base linesGrundlinien {pl}
mil. battle linesFrontlinien {pl}
mil. battle linesKampflinien {pl}
med. Beau's lines [grooves across the fingernails]Beau-Linien {pl} [Querrillen der Fingernägel]
med. Beau's lines [grooves across the fingernails]Beau-Reil-Querfurchen {pl}
bombastic lineshochklingende Worte {pl}
branch linesSeitenlinien {pl}
bunny lines [coll.]Bunny-Lines {pl} [ugs.] [Nasenrückenfältchen]
naut. buttock lines {pl} [hull frames]Schnitt {m} im Linienriss [Spantriss]
character linesZeichenzeilen {pl}
character lines [coll.] [crow's feet]Augenfältchen {pl}
classic lines {pl} [design]klassische Linienführung {f}
clean linesklare Linien {pl}
naut. clew linesGeitaue {pl}
clumsy linesfehlerhafte Linien {pl}
math. concurrent linessich in einem Punkt schneidende Linien {pl}
conformable linesgleichlaufende Linien {pl}
geogr. contour linesHöhenlinien {pl}
contour-linesUmrisslinien {pl}
convergent lineskonvergierende Linien {pl}
converging lineskonvergierende Linien {pl}
electr. coupled linesgekoppelte Leitungen {pl}
relig. denominational lineskonfessionelle Grenzen {pl}
econ. discontinued linesRestposten {pl}
empty linesLeerzeilen {pl}
phys. equipotential linesÄquipotentiallinien {pl}
expression linesAusdrucksfalten {pl}
feint lines {pl}feine Linierung {f}
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A 2023-10-18: If these are lines in the play, IMO, technical accuracy and cosistency are...
A 2022-05-30: wooden water lines (or pipes)
A 2022-01-12: It does NOT work. You must enter the lines into the search bar, joining +S...
A 2021-11-26: he presents (many) varied lines of vision through (die monumentale Mschatt...
A 2020-11-23: 15:25 typo: cruise lines
A 2019-05-07: Along the lines of a “tower lodge” or a "keep"
A 2019-05-02: What about +to be placed within one of several prod lines?+
A 2019-04-28: Barry wavy means horizontal wavy lines:
A 2018-04-05: What about paraphrasing the German lines in German?
Q 2018-03-21: Pls check my Translation De- En ! Just a couple of lines
A 2018-01-26: ? Red lines indicate shortfalls below the minimum antenna distance of 1.6m...
Q 2017-12-25: Final lines of song
A 2017-10-30: @ Windfall: The term is explained a few lines into your website ...
A 2017-06-22: According to the text, the lines could be dragged but were not. The quoted...
A 2017-06-22: Normally, fishing lines are cast
Q 2017-06-22: our lines are cast?
Q 2017-06-22: Heard these topical lines? +Barnaby bright, Barnaby bright, the longest da...
A 2016-12-30: Telegraph lines
Q 2016-12-03: fiercely observed + fault lines?
A 2016-04-26: Yep! rabend (DE/FR) has hit the nail right on the head... It should be som...

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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