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English-German translation for: lung
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Dictionary English German: lung

Translation 1 - 50 of 287  >>

English German
NOUN   a lung | lungs
lung {adj} [attr.]
anat. lung [Pulmo]
Lunge {f}
anat. lung
Lungenflügel {m}
anat. med. lung
Pulmo {m} [fachspr.] [Lunge]
anat. lungBeuschel {n} [österr.] [ugs.] [derb] [Lunge]
lungPlauze {f} [regional] [ugs.] [Lunge]
2 Words: Others
med. lung-irritant {adj}lungenreizend
med. lung-irritant {adj}lungenschädigend
2 Words: Nouns
med. aluminium lung [Br.]Aluminiumstaublunge {f}
med. aluminum lung [Am.]Aluminiumstaublunge {f}
zool. amphibian lungAmphibienlunge {f}
med. artificial lungkünstliche Lunge {f}
biol. orn. avian lungVogellunge {f}
med. baker's lungBäckerlunge {f}
med. baker's lungMehlstaublunge {f} [Mehllunge bei Bäckern]
zool. book lung [respiration organ of scorpions and spiders]Buchlunge {f} [Atmungsorgane von Spinnen und Skorpionen]
med. coalworker's lung [coll.]Kohlenstaublunge {f}
med. collapsed lungkollabierte Lunge {f}
med. collapsed lung [coll.] [atelectasis]Atelektase {f}
med. collapsed lung [coll.] [pneumothorax]Pneumothorax {m}
med. compost lung [coll.] [hypersensitivity pneumonitis]Kompostlunge {f} [ugs.] [Hypersensitivitätspneumonitis]
med. corkworker's lung [ICD-10, Version 2018]Korkarbeiterlunge {f} [auch: Korkarbeiter-Lunge] [ICD-10, Version 2018]
med. corkworker's lung [suberosis]Korkstaublunge {f}
med. cystic lung [honeycomb lung]Zystenlunge {f}
med. detergent lungWaschmittellunge {f}
hist. mil. naut. diving lung [submerged escape and rescue breathing apparatus for German WW II submarine crewmen]Tauchretter {m}
med. donor lungSpenderlunge {f}
med. farmer's lungDrescherlunge {f}
med. farmer's lungFarmerlunge {f}
med. farmer's lungGetreidestaublunge {f} [Farmerlunge]
med. farmer's lungLandarbeiterlunge {f}
ecol. hort. urban green lung [idiom] [green spaces, parks etc. in urban regions]grüne Lunge {f} [Redewendung] [Grünflächen, Parks etc. in Großstädten]
med. harvester's lung [farmer's lung]Erntearbeiterlunge {f} [auch: Erntearbeiter-Lunge] [Farmerlunge]
med. haymaker's lung [farmer's lung]Erntearbeiterlunge {f} [auch: Erntearbeiter-Lunge] [Farmerlunge]
med. honeycomb lungHonigwabenlunge {f}
med. honeycomb lungWabenlunge {f}
med. humidifier lungBefeuchterlunge {f} [auch: Befeuchter-Lunge]
hist. med. MedTech. iron lungEiserne Lunge {f}
med. iron lung [Siderosis pulmonum]Eisenlunge {f}
anat. VetMed. left lung [Pulmo sinister]linke Lunge {f}
anat. left lung [Pulmo sinister]linker Lungenflügel {m}
med. VetMed. lung abscessLungenabszess {m} [österr. auch {n}]
MedTech. lung angiogramLungenangiogramm {n}
anat. lung artery [Arteria pulmonalis]Lungenschlagader {f}
med. lung aspergillosisLungenaspergillose {f}
med. lung attack [exacerbation of respiratory symptoms in COPD patients]Lungenanfall {m} [seltener für: Exazerbation, Lungenexazerbation]
med. lung biopsyLungenbiopsie {f}
med. lung bleedingLungenblutung {f}
biol. lung breathingLungenatmung {f}
med. lung cancerBronchialkarzinom {n}
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A 2022-07-23: lung*e*s ?? https://www.dict.cc/?s=lunge
A 2018-02-22: möglicherweise: Ausnahme Mitte+i+lung = exception message (Ausnahme Meldung)
A 2017-10-11: green lung or greenspaces
A 2013-01-05: isn't it respiratory failure and lung collapse .... ?!
A 2008-01-12: "left upper lung" stimmt schon
Q 2008-01-02: detached lung
A 2007-05-09: ... for lung dose-response for trough FEV1
Q 2007-05-09: Estimate paramters in COPD for lung dose-response for trough FEV1
A 2006-02-26: lung condition > Lungenkrankheit; Zustand der Lunge > status of the lung
Q 2006-02-26: lung condition
Q 2006-02-09: rückfettende Spülung
Q 2004-12-14: What does munstabste lung mean?
A 2004-06-16: cancer of the lung accompanied by verified / evident silicosis

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