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English-German translation for: monk
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Dictionary English German: monk

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NOUN   a monk | monks
SYNO   Monk | Thelonious Monk ... 
NOUN   der Monk | die Monks
relig. monk
Mönch {m}
relig. monkOrdensmann {m}
hydro. tech. monkTeichmönch {m}
relig. monk [Christian]Klosterbruder {m} [Mönch]
2 Words: Others
monk-like {adj}mönchsartig
2 Words: Nouns
relig. Augustinian monkAugustinermönch {m}
relig. Augustinian monkaugustinischer Mönch {m}
relig. begging monkBettelmönch {m}
relig. Benedictine monkBenediktiner {m}
relig. Black MonkBenediktinermönch {m}
relig. black monkschwarzer Mönch {m}
relig. Camaldolese monkKamaldulensermönch {m}
relig. Capuchin monkKapuziner {m}
relig. Carthusian monkKartäusermönch {m}
relig. Cistercian monkZisterziensermönch {m}
relig. Dominican monkDominikanermönch {m}
relig. fellow monkMitmönch {m}
relig. Franciscan monkFranziskanermönch {m}
relig. initiate monkNovize {m}
relig. itinerant monkWandermönch {m}
constr. monk (brick) [convex tile]Mönch {m} [Dachziegel]
cloth. monk shoe [monk strap (shoe)]Monk {m} [kurz für: Monkstrap, Monkstrapschuh]
cloth. monk shoe [monk strap (shoe)]Monkstrap {m} [Herrenhalbschuh]
cloth. monk shoe [monk strap (shoe)]Monkstrapschuh {m} [auch: Monk-Strap-Schuh] [Herrenhalbschuh]
cloth. monk strap [also: monkstrap] [men's dress shoe]Monkstrap {m} [Herrenhalbschuh]
cloth. monk strap [also: monkstrap] [men's dress shoe]Monkstrapschuh {m} [auch: Monk-Strap-Schuh] [Herrenhalbschuh]
relig. monk's cellMönchszelle {f}
cloth. relig. monk's cowlMönchskutte {f}
cloth. relig. monk's habitMönchsgewand {n}
cloth. relig. monk's habitMönchskutte {f}
cloth. relig. monk's habitMönchstracht {f}
cloth. relig. monk's robeMönchsgewand {n}
monk's spot [coll.]Mönchsfleck {m} [ugs.]
relig. monk's vowsMönchsgelübde {pl}
relig. Premonstratensian monkPrämonstratensermönch {m}
relig. Servite monkServitenmönch {m}
relig. Theatine monkTheatinermönch {m}
mil. relig. warrior monkKriegermönch {m}
hist. mil. relig. warrior monkKriegsmönch {m}
mil. relig. warrior monkMönchskrieger {m}
relig. Zen monkZen-Mönch {m}
3 Words: Others
like a monk {adv} [ascetic]mönchisch [asketisch]
3 Words: Nouns
cloth. double monk (shoe) [men's dress shoe]Doppelmonk {m} [kurz für: Doppelmonkstrap] [Monk mit zwei Riemenverschlüssen]
cloth. double monk (shoe) [men's dress shoe]Doppelmonkstrap {m} [Monk mit zwei Riemenverschlüssen]
constr. spec. monk and nun [tile roofing]Mönch und Nonne [Ziegeldeckung]
cloth. monk strap shoe [men's dress shoe]Monkstrap {m} [Herrenhalbschuh]
cloth. monk strap shoe [men's dress shoe]Monkstrapschuh {m} [auch: Monk-Strap-Schuh] [Herrenhalbschuh]
gastr. Unverified Monk's head cheeseMönchskopf {n}
4 Words: Verbs
to live like a monkein mönchisches Leben führen [wie ein Mönch leben]
to live like a monkwie ein Mönch leben
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A 2019-02-23: quietly und in silence kenn ich, like a monk meditates kenn ich nicht
A 2012-11-25: Ex-monk indeed! What are things coming to?
A 2008-02-05: he became a monk > er wurde Mönch
A 2008-02-05: He became a monk > er wurde ein Mönch \ he came to be a monk > es kam dazu...
A 2007-12-13: The "head monk" in a monastery is an abbot.
Q 2006-05-20: novice monk

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