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Dictionary English German: prices

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NOUN   a price | prices
VERB  to price | priced | priced
pricing | prices
Preise {pl}
prices [in catalogues, advertisements, etc.]Preisangaben {pl}
2 Words: Others
including priceseinschließlich der Preisangaben
Prices advanced.Kurse zogen an.
Prices vary.Preise sind unterschiedlich.
2 Words: Verbs
to abate pricesPreise ermäßigen
to adjust pricesPreise anpassen
to adjust pricesPreise ausgleichen
to ameliorate pricesdie Preise steigen lassen
comm. to beat pricesPreise unterbieten
to boost pricesPreise in die Höhe treiben
comm. econ. fin. to cap pricesdie Preise festsetzen
to cap pricesein Preislimit festlegen
to compare pricesPreise vergleichen
to control pricesPreise festlegen
to control pricesPreise kontrollieren
comm. to cut pricesPreise drücken
comm. to cut pricesPreise reduzieren
comm. to cut pricesPreise senken
to decontrol pricesPreise freigeben
to decrease pricesPreise herabsetzen
to depress pricesden Kurs drücken
to dictate pricesPreise diktieren
to inflate pricesPreise aufblähen
to inflate pricesPreise überhöhen
to lift pricesPreise erhöhen
to lower pricesPreise herabsetzen
to maintain pricesPreise einhalten
to quote pricesPreise angeben
to raise pricesPreise erhöhen
to restrict pricesein Preisembargo auferlegen
to show pricesNotierungen zeigen
comm. to slash pricesPreise senken
econ. to spike pricesPreise erhöhen
to stabilize pricesPreise stabilisieren
2 Words: Nouns
accessible priceserschwingliche Preise {pl}
accessible priceserträgliche Preise {pl}
actual pricestatsächliche Kurse {pl}
advanced priceshöhere Preise {pl}
advancing pricessteigende Preise {pl}
agr. comm. agricultural pricesAgrarpreise {pl}
anticipated priceserwartete Preise {pl}
attractive pricesverführerische Preise {pl}
attractive pricesverlockende Preise {pl}
attractive priceszugkräftige Preise {pl}
ballooning priceshochschießende Kurse {pl}
bargain pricesSchnäppchenpreise {pl}
bottom pricesniedrigste Preise {pl}
catalogue pricesKatalogpreise {pl}
stat. chain pricesKettenpreisindizes {pl}
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Q 2016-08-30: Translatins from russian to english, from english to russian, low prices
Q 2016-05-10: London property prices
Q 2015-10-25: What would be the appropriate translation of "to decrease" in the context ...
A 2015-10-25: Only when the upward trend of prices during the Korean crisis turned into ...
A 2015-06-01: teaser-prices
Q 2015-03-12: What are the prices of Wrinkless Cream?
A 2015-02-28: "Butter oil" is basically ghee sold at outrageous prices.
Q 2014-12-02: tax-inclusive prices
A 2014-08-27: German Grammar in a Nuts / Prices
Q 2014-05-04: laufen gegen (share prices)
A 2014-05-02: google prices then compare your EUR value
A 2014-03-25: Prices went down by 0.8%, which meant that they sold more product - 11% mo...
A 2014-03-04: Match prices usually means changing your prices so they are similar to tho...
Q 2014-03-04: to match prices
A 2013-08-05: +All prices are subject to VAT+ is used in the UK when the prices quoted d...
A 2012-11-12: Prices are low.
A 2012-06-22: In the context of surcharges, the "kerosene" comes from citing spot-market...
A 2012-06-11: Prices at 1992 levels.
A 2012-02-05: DefinitionA market which has more buyers than sellers. High prices result ...
A 2012-02-05: it's the medical providers which are allowed to charge higher prices to th...

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