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English-German translation for: primary
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Dictionary English German: primary

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ADJ   primary | more primary | most primary
NOUN   a primary | primaries
VERB  to primary | primaried | primaried ... 
SYNO   primary | primary feather ... 
primary {adj} [principal]
primary {adj} [prior]
primary {adj}
primary {adj} [fundamental]
primary {adj} [most important]
primary {adj} [initial, original]
primary {adj} [initial]
primary {adj} [first-rate]
primary {adj} [earliest, first]
erste [Aufgabe usw.]
primary {adj}
pol. primary [US elections]
Primary {f} [US-Wahlen]
pol. primary [US election](innerparteiliche) Vorwahl {f} [US-Wahlen]
2 Words: Others
primary infectious {adj} [rarely: primarily infectious]primär infektiös
2 Words: Nouns
dent. (primary) periodontitisParadontose {f} [ugs.] [Parodontitis]
(primary) sourceUrquell {m} [geh.]
Boolean primaryBoole'scher Primärausdruck {m}
Boolean primaryboolescher Primärausdruck {m}
pol. closed primary [Am.]geschlossene Vorwahl {f}
logical primarylogischer Primärausdruck {m}
pol. presidential primary [US election]Vorwahl {f} für die Präsidentschaft
hist. relig. primary abbey [Cistercians]Primarabtei {f}
ling. primary accentHauptakzent {m}
primary advantageHauptvorteil {m}
primary aimHauptzweck {m}
primary airPrimärluft {f}
chem. primary alcoholprimärer Alkohol {m}
chem. primary alcoholsprimäre Alkohole {pl}
chem. primary alkanolprimäres Alkanol {n}
chem. primary alkanolsprimäre Alkanole {pl}
primary allocationPrimärzuweisung {f}
ind. material primary aluminium [Br.]Hüttenaluminium {n}
ind. material primary aluminum [Am.]Hüttenaluminium {n}
chem. primary aminesprimäre Amine {pl}
med. primary amyloidosis <PA>Paraamyloidose {f} [primäre Amyloidose]
med. primary amyloidosis <PA>idiopathische Amyloidose {f}
med. primary amyloidosis <PA>primäre Amyloidose {f}
acad. psych. primary analysisPrimäranalyse {f}
med. primary antibody <PA>Primärantikörper {m} <PA>
psych. primary appraisal <PA> [stress model by Lazarus]Primärbewertung {f} [Stressmodell von Lazarus]
psych. primary appraisal <PA> [stress model by Lazarus]primäre Bewertung {f} [Stressmodell von Lazarus]
primary areaprimärer Bereich {m}
primary axisPrimärachse {f}
econ. primary balancePrimärsaldo {m}
electr. primary batteryEinwegbatterie {f} [nicht wieder aufladbar]
MedTech. phys. primary beamPrimärstrahl {m}
primary beneficiaryErstbegünstigter {m}
primary benefitHauptvorteil {m}
ecol. primary biotopePrimärbiotop {n}
primary boycottdirekter Boykott {m}
anat. primary bronchus <PB> [Bronchus principalis]Hauptbronchus {m} <HB>
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A 2018-06-22: Primary vs. secondary sources
A 2017-02-11: http://www.hl-display.com/en-GB/Brands/Our-offer/Primary-Placement/
A 2014-05-09: primary care physician
A 2014-03-31: P.D. = primary drive (?)
Q 2013-05-30: Übersetzung von Technik-Text (Abgabe Freitag 9 Uhr) - "chips marks" und "p...
Q 2013-04-08: primary assessment
A 2013-02-21: primary research, secondary research?
A 2012-11-05: Analysis of instructional materials in the development of verbal and writi...
Q 2012-09-13: The primary genius…lies in…
A 2012-06-11: Volksschule is primary/elementary school in Austria, the first four years ...
A 2012-05-31: In the U.S. it means 'beyond the capabilities of primary ("routine") care.'
A 2012-04-10: 'primary display' is correct.
A 2012-03-08: The +primary+ subjects in junior and senior high school are English...
A 2011-09-22: Perhaps "...were taught as primary subjects within a condensed block of ti...
A 2011-05-12: http://www.dict.cc/?s=primary+school
Q 2011-05-12: "primary school" is not just British!
A 2011-04-06: primary winding voltage rating=Nennspannung der Primärwicklung
A 2011-03-21: glaube ich nicht - das hieße vascular calcifications at an early / primary...
A 2011-01-31: A secondary school in Britain is a school for 11 to 16/18 year olds, after...
A 2011-01-13: con renuncia de los beneficios de orden, división y excusión > expressly a...

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