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English-German translation for: side
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Dictionary English German: side

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NOUN   a side | sides
VERB  to side | sided | sided ... 
SYNO   side | side of meat | face | position ... 
gastr. side {adj} [attr.] [e.g. side salad]
side {adj} [attr.] [subsidiary] [e.g. agreement, aspect, costs, effect, job, street]
Neben- [z. B. Absprache, Aspekt, Kosten, Effekt, Job, Straße]
side {adj} [attr.] [e.g. altar, entrance]
Seiten- [z. B. Seitenaltar, Seiteneingang]
Seite {f}
side [team]
Mannschaft {f}
side [of spectacles]
Bügel {m} [einer Brille]
side [team]
Team {n}
side [edge]
Rand {m} [Straße, Teller etc.]
Hälfte {f}
Flanke {f}
Schenkel {m} [eines Winkels]
gastr. side [esp. Am.] [side dish]
Beigabe {f} [Beilage]
side [of ship, container etc.]
Wand {f} [Seitenwand]
mus. B-side
B-Seite {f}
Seitenfläche {f}
side [chiefly Br.] [coll.]
Dünkel {m}
2 Words: Others
MedTech. anode-side {adj}anodenseitig
at sb.'s side {adv} [also fig.]an jds. Seite [auch fig.]
by sb.'s side {adv}neben jdm.
MedTech. cathode-side {adj}kathodenseitig
client-side {adj}aus Klientensicht [nachgestellt]
econ. demand-side {adj}nachfrageseitig
tech. machine-side {adj} [attr.]maschinenseitig
near side {adj}diesseitig [Ufer]
MedTech. patient-side {adj}patientennah
dent. med. patient-side {adj}patientenseitig
sb. side steppedjd. wich aus
sb. side stepsjd. weicht aus
equest. side saddle {adv}im Damensitz
side splitting {adj}zwerchfellerschütternd
side-bar {adj}zusätzlich
mus. side-blown {past-p} [wind instrument technique]seitlich angeblasen [Blasinstrument]
side-brazed {adj} [leads]an der Stirnseite angelötet [Anschlüsse]
side-on {adj} {adv}seitlich
side-on {adj} [attr.]Seiten- [seitlich]
side-splitting {adj}urkomisch
side-splitting {adj}zwerchfellerschütternd
side-splitting {adj}zum Totlachen [nachgestellt] [ugs.]
side-stepping {adj}ausweichend
comm. supply-side {adj}angebotsseitig
MedTech. table-side {adj}patientennah [z. B. Bedienung am Untersuchungstisch]
table-side {adj} [implement]tischseitig
tech. tool-side {adj} [attr.]werkzeugseitig
electr. MedTech. tube-side {adj}röhrenseitig
tech. unit-side {adj}geräteseitig
wall-side {adj}wandseitig
water-side {adj}wasserseitig
2 Words: Verbs
to blind-side sb. [idiom] [take sb. by surprise] [Am.] [spv.]jdn. überraschen [jdn. unvorbereitet treffen]
to side against sb.gegen jdn. Stellung beziehen [Redewendung]
to side with sb.auf jds. Seite sein [fig.] [Partei für jdn. ergreifen]
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A 2024-11-08: no issue on my side
A 2024-10-26: If Wegesrand is correct, the EN side has to go into square brackets as an ...
Q 2023-04-26: The English side – you should specify the country. Also check the apostrophe.
A 2021-10-18: Photo of the west side of Sidney Smith Hall.
A 2021-07-08: Rheingau +protected on the forest side by a frontier intrenchment (SIC), c...
A 2021-03-07: This side of the herring pond, a +captive room+ suggests a captive audience
A 2020-10-03: @BHM: ok, I only glanced at the German side.
A 2020-10-03: @LIlama: Your proposal would work, if the German side would work ...
A 2019-12-02: An explanation in square brackets on the EN side could solve the problem.
A 2019-03-04: The commercial minus sign looks different in English though: ⁒ Perhaps wo...
A 2019-02-04: Copy&paste error: ... into +its+ second side, ...
A 2019-01-14: Seite ... page or side?
Q 2019-01-07: pop jaw sharply and pugnaciously to the side
A 2018-12-14: on the side
A 2018-11-15: It really just means he agreed with the non-interventionists, was on the s...
A 2018-10-04: erster Teil: My interpretation is that this means that no substantive chan...
A 2018-07-05: MichaelK has prevailing usage on his side
A 2018-01-14: ist das hier gemeint: body side molding trim (rocker panel) ?
A 2018-01-12: Betr. narionk ... German side: Dreckwäsche (f) [ugs.]
A 2017-11-16: Where's the AE side to it, uffiee?

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