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English-German translation for: theatre troupe
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Dictionary English German: theatre troupe

Translation 1 - 50 of 250  >>

NOUN   a theatre troupe | theatre troupes
theatre theatre troupe [Br.]Theatertruppe {f}
Partial Matches
theatre troupeGesellschaft {f} [von Schauspielern] [altertümlich]
dance theatre troupeTruppe {f} [Ballett]
circus troupeZirkustruppe {f}
dance dance troupeTanzgarde {f}
dance theatre dance troupeTanztruppe {f}
theatre theater troupe [Am.]Theatertruppe {f}
troupe of acrobatsAkrobatentruppe {f}
theatre troupe of dancersTanztruppe {f}
theatre theatreSchaubühne {f} [altertümlich]
theatre amateur theatreAmateurtheater {n}
theatre fringe theatreExperimentiertheater {n}
archi. hist. theatre hedge theatreHeckentheater {n}
theatre improvisational theatreImprovisationstheater {n}
film movie theatreFilmtheater {n} [Kino]
mus. theatre music theatreMusiktheater {n}
hist. Roman theatreRömertheater {n}
hist. theatre Sanskrit theatreSanskrittheater / Sanskrit-Theater {n}
archi. hist. theatre sylvan theatreNaturtheater {n} [auch: Gartentheater]
archi. jobs theatre architectTheaterarchitekt {m}
theatre theatre greatsTheatergrößen {pl}
archi. theatre theatre lobbyTheaterfoyer {n}
theatre theatre makerTheatermacher {m}
hist. theatre theatre museumTheatermuseum {n}
film mus. theatre organKinoorgel {f}
theatre theatre reformerTheaterreformer {m}
theatre stageTheaterbühne {f}
theatre theatre subscriptionTheaterabonnement {n}
theatre-loverTheaterfan {m}
archi. film tunnel theatreSchlauchkino {n}
theatre [esp. Br.]Schauplatz {m}
theatre theatre [esp. Br.]Theater {n}
mil. in theatre {adv} [Br.]im Einsatzgebiet
theatre (theatre) patron [Br.]Theaterbesucher {m}
anat. educ. med. anatomical theatre [Br.]Anatomie-Hörsaal {m}
anat. educ. med. anatomical theatre [Br.]anatomisches Theater {n}
acad. med. anatomy theatre [Br.]Anatomie-Hörsaal {m}
dance theatre ballet theatre [Br.]Ballett-Theater {n}
archi. hist. theatre barn theatre [Br.]Scheunentheater {n}
theatre basement theatre [Br.]Kellertheater {n}
comm. theatre business theatre [Br.]Unternehmenstheater {n}
theatre classical theatre [Br.]klassisches Theater {n}
theatre Cockpit (Theatre) [Br.]Cockpit-Theater {n}
theatre community theatre [Br.]Laientheater {n}
theatre community theatre [Br.]Laientheater {n} [in einer Gemeinde]
comm. theatre corporate theatre [Br.]Unternehmenstheater {n}
theatre director's theatreRegietheater {n}
theatre Epic theatre [Br.]episches Theater {n}
archi. mus. theatre festival theatre [Br.]Festspielhaus {n}
theatre fringe theatre [Br.]experimentelles Theater {n}
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