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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: theatrical experiment
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: theatrical experiment

Translation 1 - 50 of 205  >>

theatre theatrical experimentTheaterexperiment {n}
Partial Matches
chem. comp. phys. Monte Carlo experiment <MCE, MC experiment>Monte-Carlo-Studie {f} [Monte-Carlo-Simulation]
theatrical {adj}bühnenhaft [theatralisch]
theatre theatrical {adj}schauspielerisch
theatre amateur theatricalLaienaufführung {f}
film theatre theatrical bloodKunstblut {n}
theatre theatrical castRollenbesetzung {f}
theatre theatrical companySchauspieltruppe {f}
film theatrical cutKinofassung {f}
theatre theatrical genreTheatergenre {n}
theatre theatrical greatsTheatergrößen {pl}
jobs theatre theatrical lifeTheaterleben {n}
theatre theatrical performanceSchauspiel {n}
theatre theatrical performanceTheateraufführung {f}
theatre theatrical performanceTheatervorstellung {f}
theatre theatrical productionTheateraufführung {f}
theatre theatrical productionTheaterproduktion {f}
theatre theatrical projectTheaterprojekt {n}
film theatrical releaseKinostart {m}
film theatrical runLaufzeit {f} im Kino
theatrical schoolTheaterschule {f}
film theatrical screeningKinoaufführung {f}
theatre theatrical seasonTheatersaison {f}
theatrical stageTheaterbühne {f}
theatre theatrical styleTheaterstil {m}
film theatrical versionKinofassung {f}
theatre theatrical versionTheaterversion {f}
theatre theatrical workTheaterarbeit {f}
theatre theatrical {adj} [also fig.]theatralisch [auch fig.] [geh.]
engin. hist. theatre theatrical machinery {sg}Theatermaschinen {pl}
film spec. theatrical motion pictureKinofilm {m}
film spec. theatrical motion pictureSpielfilm {m}
film theatrical {adj} [relating to movie theaters]Kino-
hist. theatre theatrical performances [ludi scenici]szenische Spiele {pl}
theatre theatrical thunder [also fig.]Theaterdonner {m} [auch fig.]
born of a theatrical familyaus einer Schauspielerfamilie
lit. F Wilhelm Meister's Theatrical CallingWilhelm Meisters theatralische Sendung [J. W. von Goethe]
theatre theatrical production [staging, mise-en-scène]Theaterinszenierung {f}
theatre theatrical performance [of a person or group, appearance]Theaterauftritt {m}
to experimentexperimentieren
to experimentVersuche anstellen
experimentExperiment {n}
experimentProbe {f} [Versuch, Experiment]
experimentVersuch {m}
chem. phys. tech. [name] experimentVersuch {m} nach [Name]
phys. accelerator experimentBeschleunigerexperiment {n}
animal experimentTierexperiment {n}
animal experimentTierversuch {m}
batch experimentBatch-Versuch {m}
batch experimentBatchexperiment {n} [auch: Batch-Experiment]
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