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Dictionary English German: things

Translation 1 - 50 of 554  >>

English German
NOUN   a thing | things
Dinge {pl}
Sachen {pl}
Dinger {pl} [ugs.]
cloth. things [clothes]
Klamotten {pl} [ugs.] [salopp] [Kleidung]
cloth. things {pl} [clothes]
Kluft {f} [Kleider]
thingsSiebensachen {pl} [ugs.]
2 Words: Others
How's things? [coll.]Wie geht's?
How's things? [coll.]Wie steht's? [ugs.]
many things {pron}vieles
several thingsmehreres
sundry thingsmehreres
various thingsmehreres
2 Words: Verbs
to buy thingsAnschaffungen machen
to confound thingsDinge vermischen
to confound thingsDinge verwechseln
to force thingsdie Dinge übers Knie brechen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to overdo thingssich überarbeiten
to overdo thingsdie Sache übertreiben
to overdo thingsdes Guten zu viel tun [Redewendung]
to overdo thingszu viel des Guten tun
to overdo things [idiom]den Bogen überspannen [Redewendung]
to rearrange thingsumräumen
to reposition thingsDinge anders hinlegen
to spoil thingsquerschießen [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
(little) thingsSächelchen {pl}
antiquated thingsveraltete Gegenstände {pl}
astonishing thingserstaunliche Dinge {pl}
awful thingsschreckliche Dinge {pl}
baby thingsBabysachen {pl}
cloth. bathing thingsBadesachen {pl}
cloth. bathing things {pl}Badezeug {n}
cheap things {pl}billiges Zeug {n}
childish thingskindliche Dinge {pl}
children's thingsKindersachen {pl}
cleaning thingsPutzsachen {pl} [Putzzeug]
cleaning things {pl}Putzzeug {n}
commonplace thingsgewöhnliche Dinge {pl}
cotton thingsBaumwollsachen {pl}
bibl. creeping things {pl}Gewürm {n}
different thingsganz unterschiedliche Dinge {pl}
different things {pl}Unterschiedliches {n}
everyday thingsAlltagsgegenstände {pl}
favourite things [Br.]Lieblingssachen {pl}
cloth. sports gym things [coll.]Turnsachen {pl}
knitting things {pl}Strickzeug {n} [Zubehör]
little thingsDingerchen {pl} [Vkl. zu Dinge]
living thingsLebewesen {pl}
men's things {pl}Männerkram {m} [ugs.]
nice thingsNettigkeiten {pl}
educ. PE things {pl} [gym]Turnzeug {n} [ugs.]
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A 2024-11-16: "verschieden" can be different things:
Q 2024-08-29: the grand scheme of things
A 2023-06-08: Children books often depict animals doing human things.
A 2022-11-17: Why complicate things?
A 2022-06-17: Things have moved on since the days of austerity.
A 2021-10-18: Set here is Satz (not a translation suggestion), a collection of things th...
A 2021-08-23: @ MichaelK: a brew is also a combination of different things (maybe BE on...
A 2021-03-24: These are all (slightly) different things
A 2020-01-10: oder: Whatever you do, don't do things by halves!
Q 2019-07-20: aflutter > filled with or marked by the presence of fluttering things > ro...
A 2019-06-14: to part with things of the past / with horse-and-buggy methods
A 2019-01-29: Sheep rubbing their coats against — of all things — sculptures
A 2018-10-24: Vielleicht auch: worse things happen at sea?
A 2018-08-10: Some things never change!
A 2018-08-01: never do things by halves
Q 2018-04-18: getting things (back) on track
Q 2018-02-01: Big things come in small packages.
A 2018-01-11: Diff: among others ~ among other +persons;+ inter alia > among other +things+
Q 2017-10-30: How can you see all the terrifying things Google knows about you?
Q 2017-06-29: Übersetzung "But all things equal"

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