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English-German translation for: tun was jd. will
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tun was jd. will in other languages:

Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: tun was jd will

Translation 1 - 50 of 16929  >>

to do sb.'s bidding [idiom]tun, was jd. will
Partial Matches
I'll see what can be done.Ich will sehen, was sich tun lässt.
He can do as he pleases.Er kann tun und lassen, was er will.
And what's a little runt like you going to do about it?Und was will ein kleiner Wicht wie du dagegen tun?
to have nothing against sb. wanting to do sth.nichts dagegen haben, wenn jd. etw. tun will
philos. quote Man can do what he wills but he cannot will what he wills.Der Mensch kann zwar tun, was er will, aber er kann nicht wollen, was er will. [Arthur Schopenhauer]
to second-guess sb.vorhersagen, was jd. tun / sagen wird
sb.'s best betdas Beste {n}, was jd. tun kann
What is he on about? [coll.]Was will er (sagen)?
What ever does he want?Was will er nur?
idiom What more could one want?Was will man mehr?
to know one's own mindwissen, was man will
He has purpose.Er weiß, was er will.
I know my own mind.Ich weiß, was ich will.
come what maymag kommen, was da will
idiom Come what may.Mag kommen, was da will.
What is he insinuating?Was will er damit andeuten?
I intend to do just that.Das will ich auch tun.
It comes to something when ...Es will schon was heißen, wenn ...
idiom which is saying somethingund das will was heißen [ugs.]
What I'm trying to say is ...Was ich damit sagen will, ist ...
What more can he ask for?Was will der denn noch? [ugs.]
I dread to think what ...Ich will gar nicht erst wissen, was ...
film quote I'll have what she's having. [When Harry Met Sally...]Ich will genau das, was sie hatte.
I want nothing to do with this.Ich will nichts damit zu tun haben.
I don't want anything to do with him.Ich will nichts mit ihm zu tun haben.
Say what one will (about sb./sth.) ...Man kann sagen, was man will (über jdn./etw.) ...
Unverified (So) that's kind of what I mean by that. [coll.]Das ist ungefähr (das), was ich damit sagen will. [ugs.]
I'll tell you a little something about myself.Ich will dir mal 'n bisschen was über mich erzählen. [ugs.]
I don't like to think what might have happened if ...Ich will gar nicht daran denken, was hätte passieren können, wenn ...
idiom quote 'Tis early practice only makes the master. [trans. Theodore Martin]Früh übt sich, was ein Meister werden will. [Friedrich Schiller, Wilhelm Tell]
mus. F May my God's will always be doneWas mein Gott will, das g'scheh allzeit [J. S. Bach, BWV 111]
sb. wantsjd. will
What should we do?Was tun?
lit. F What Is To Be Done? [Vladimir Ilyich Lenin]Was tun?
sb. shan't [shall not]jd. will nicht
sb. won't be left behindjd. will nicht zurückstehen
Sb. is calling the challenge.Jd. will es wissen.
Sb. is going for it. [coll.] [willing to make an experience on his own, refusing good advice]Jd. will es wissen.
What is to be done?Was ist zu tun?
What shall we do?Was sollen wir tun?
What are you going to do?Was wirst du tun?
idiom sb. is out for blood [fig.]jd. will Blut sehen [fig.]
sb. is having none of it [coll.]jd. will davon nichts wissen
to get sb.'s drift [idiom]verstehen, worauf jd. hinaus will
What would Jesus do? <WWJD>Was würde Jesus tun? <WWJT>
all you can doalles, was du tun kannst
all that can be donealles, was sich tun lässt
Do as you please.Tun Sie, was Sie wollen.
What remains to be done?Was kann man noch tun?
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