| English | German |  |
 | to do sb.'s bidding [idiom] | tun, was jd. will |  |
Partial Matches |
 | I'll see what can be done. | Ich will sehen, was sich tun lässt. |  |
 | He can do as he pleases. | Er kann tun und lassen, was er will. |  |
 | And what's a little runt like you going to do about it? | Und was will ein kleiner Wicht wie du dagegen tun? |  |
 | to have nothing against sb. wanting to do sth. | nichts dagegen haben, wenn jd. etw. tun will |  |
 | philos. quote Man can do what he wills but he cannot will what he wills. | Der Mensch kann zwar tun, was er will, aber er kann nicht wollen, was er will. [Arthur Schopenhauer] |  |
 | to second-guess sb. | vorhersagen, was jd. tun / sagen wird |  |
 | sb.'s best bet | das Beste {n}, was jd. tun kann |  |
 | What is he on about? [coll.] | Was will er (sagen)? |  |
 | What ever does he want? | Was will er nur? |  |
 | idiom What more could one want? | Was will man mehr? |  |
 | to know one's own mind | wissen, was man will |  |
 | He has purpose. | Er weiß, was er will. |  |
 | I know my own mind. | Ich weiß, was ich will. |  |
 | come what may | mag kommen, was da will |  |
 | idiom Come what may. | Mag kommen, was da will. |  |
 | What is he insinuating? | Was will er damit andeuten? |  |
 | I intend to do just that. | Das will ich auch tun. |  |
 | It comes to something when ... | Es will schon was heißen, wenn ... |  |
 | idiom which is saying something | und das will was heißen [ugs.] |  |
 | What I'm trying to say is ... | Was ich damit sagen will, ist ... |  |
 | What more can he ask for? | Was will der denn noch? [ugs.] |  |
 | I dread to think what ... | Ich will gar nicht erst wissen, was ... |  |
 | film quote I'll have what she's having. [When Harry Met Sally...] | Ich will genau das, was sie hatte. |  |
 | I want nothing to do with this. | Ich will nichts damit zu tun haben. |  |
 | I don't want anything to do with him. | Ich will nichts mit ihm zu tun haben. |  |
 | Say what one will (about sb./sth.) ... | Man kann sagen, was man will (über jdn./etw.) ... |  |
 | Unverified (So) that's kind of what I mean by that. [coll.] | Das ist ungefähr (das), was ich damit sagen will. [ugs.] |  |
 | I'll tell you a little something about myself. | Ich will dir mal 'n bisschen was über mich erzählen. [ugs.] |  |
 | I don't like to think what might have happened if ... | Ich will gar nicht daran denken, was hätte passieren können, wenn ... |  |
 | idiom quote 'Tis early practice only makes the master. [trans. Theodore Martin] | Früh übt sich, was ein Meister werden will. [Friedrich Schiller, Wilhelm Tell] |  |
 | mus. F May my God's will always be done | Was mein Gott will, das g'scheh allzeit [J. S. Bach, BWV 111] |  |
 | sb. wants | jd. will |  |
 | What should we do? | Was tun? |  |
 | lit. F What Is To Be Done? [Vladimir Ilyich Lenin] | Was tun? |  |
 | sb. shan't [shall not] | jd. will nicht |  |
 | sb. won't be left behind | jd. will nicht zurückstehen |  |
 | Sb. is calling the challenge. | Jd. will es wissen. |  |
 | Sb. is going for it. [coll.] [willing to make an experience on his own, refusing good advice] | Jd. will es wissen. |  |
 | What is to be done? | Was ist zu tun? |  |
 | What shall we do? | Was sollen wir tun? |  |
 | What are you going to do? | Was wirst du tun? |  |
 | idiom sb. is out for blood [fig.] | jd. will Blut sehen [fig.] |  |
 | sb. is having none of it [coll.] | jd. will davon nichts wissen |  |
 | to get sb.'s drift [idiom] | verstehen, worauf jd. hinaus will |  |
 | What would Jesus do? <WWJD> | Was würde Jesus tun? <WWJT> |  |
 | all you can do | alles, was du tun kannst |  |
 | all that can be done | alles, was sich tun lässt |  |
 | Do as you please. | Tun Sie, was Sie wollen. |  |
 | What remains to be done? | Was kann man noch tun? |  |
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