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English-German translation for: upper
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Dictionary English German: upper

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ADJ   upper | - | -
NOUN   an upper | uppers
SYNO   upper | upper berth | amphetamine ... 
upper {adj} [attr.]
upper {adj}
upper {adj} [attr.]
upper {adj}
cloth. upper [shoe]
Oberteil {n} [eines Schuhs]
cloth. upper [of a shoe]
Obermaterial {n}
pharm. psych. upper [coll.] [stimulant drug]
Aufputschmittel {n}
cloth. upper [of a shoe]
Schaft {m} [am Schuh]
2 Words: Others
geogr. Upper Austrian {adj}oberösterreichisch
geol. Upper Cambrian {adj}oberkambrisch
geol. Upper Carboniferous {adj} [also: upper Carboniferous]oberkarbonisch
geol. Upper Cretaceous {adj}oberkreidezeitlich
geol. Upper Cretaceous {adj}oberkretazisch
geol. upper Cretacious {adj}oberkretazisch
geol. Upper Devonian {adj}oberdevonisch
geogr. Upper Egyptian {adj}oberägyptisch
geol. Upper Eocene {adj} [also: upper Eocene]obereozän
ling. Upper German {adj}oberdeutsch <oberdt., obd.>
geogr. Upper Italian {adj}oberitalienisch <oberit.>
geol. Upper Jurassic {adj}oberjurassisch
geol. Upper Miocene {adj} [also: upper Miocene]obermiozän
geol. Upper Ordovician {adj}oberordovizisch
Upper Palaeolithic {adj} [Br.]jungpaläolithisch
geol. Upper Palaeozoic {adj} [Br.]oberpaläozoisch
Upper Palatinate {adj}oberpfälzisch <oberpfälz.>
archaeo. hist. Upper Paleolithic {adj} [Am.]jungpaläolithisch
geol. Upper Paleozoic {adj} [Am.]oberpaläozoisch
geol. Upper Pennsylvanian {adj}oberpennsylvanisch
geol. Upper Permian {adj} [also: upper Permian]oberpermisch
math. upper semicontinuous {adj}oberhalbstetig
ling. Upper Silesian {adj}oberschlesisch
geol. Upper Silurian {adj}obersilurisch
geol. hist. Upper Triassic {adj}obertriassisch
upper-class {adj}edel
upper-class {adj}vornehm
upper-class {adj}(aus) der Oberschicht [nachgestellt]
sociol. upper-class {adj} [bourgeois]großbürgerlich
upper-crust {adj} [coll.]schrecklich vornehm [pej.]
geogr. Upper-Rhenish {adj}oberrheinisch
upper-tier {adj}obere
2 Words: Nouns
cloth. (leather) upper [on a shoe]Oberleder {n}
fixer-upper [Am.] [coll.] [house in need of renovation]renovierungsbedürftiges Haus {n}
hist. jobs knocker-upper [Br.] [Irish] [historical]Aufwecker {m}
looker-upper [Am.] [coll.]Sucher {m} [selten] [jemand, der sucht]
geogr. Upland South [Upper South]Upper South {m} [nördlicher Teil der Südstaaten der USA]
upper ... bracketobere ...-stufe {f}
anat. upper abdomenOberbauch {m}
upper abs [coll.]obere Bauchmuskeln {pl}
archaeo. Upper AcheuleanJungacheuléen {n} [auch: Jung-Acheuléen]
geogr. Upper Adige [South Tirol]Südtirol {n}
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A 2024-04-06: RedRufus has a good grasp of meaning. Fast too. In the upper league.
A 2023-05-09: In the Upper Class, Zuchi1, ladies did not wear bonnets in public. What is...
A 2020-10-02: Upper class accents (1) / (2) / (3)
Q 2019-08-03: Stiff upper lip?
Q 2017-01-27: stunted upper montane vegetation
A 2016-07-22: This entitles the student to enter the qualification phase of the upper se...
A 2014-07-04: Elaboration: Among the UK upper classes, say +What?+ rather than +Pardon?+...
A 2013-12-14: Degrees in Britain are classed as first, upper second or 2:1, lower second...
Q 2013-12-14: upper second-class degree
Q 2013-10-30: it doesn't matter whether a child is from a lower class or middle/upper cl...
A 2013-08-22: pull string > Zugschnur; elevating string > Hebeschnur; upper beam > obere...
A 2013-07-01: If it is used as a title, then it should be upper case, the same as emperor.
Q 2013-06-23: Medizinischer E-Learning-Text, Abgabe Montag 11 Uhr, "upper neuronal pathw...
A 2013-03-29: one lower&one upper berth?
Q 2013-03-29: was heißt: one lower & onw upper berth?
A 2013-03-20: pejorative and not used in upper registers
Q 2012-03-01: Unterschied zwischen "top" and "upper"
A 2012-02-05: The upper income bracket is not
A 2012-01-30: It's an officially approved artist, or one who is celebrated by the upper ...
Q 2012-01-13: Snowboarding anybody? (Clip taken at Krippenstein, Upper Austria, a few da...

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