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English-German translation for: wie
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Dictionary English German: wie

Translation 1 - 50 of 3025  >>

how {adv}
like {conj}
as {prep} {conj}
than {conj}
wie [ugs.] [nach Komparativ, z. B. größer wie]
when {conj}
wie [ugs.] [als]
Eh? [coll.]
and {conj}
wie [sowie]
as perwie
such as {conj}wie
in common withwie
in the manner ofwie
What? {adv}Wie?
2 Words: Others
dead {adj} [boring, deserted](wie) ausgestorben
Uh?(Wie) bitte?
A for Andrew [Br.]A wie Anna [schweiz.]
A for Andrew [Br.]A wie Anton
A as in Abel [Am.]A wie Anton
mil. A as in AlphaA wie Anton
like {adj}ähnlich wie
quasi {adv}ähnlich wie
similar toähnlich wie
in the fashion of {adv}ähnlich wie
just likeals wie [ugs.] [falsch, aber geläufig]
B for Benjamin [Br.]B wie Berta
idiom B as in Baker [Am.]B wie Berta
mil. B for Bravo [NATO phonetic alphabet]B wie Bravo [NATO-Buchstabiertafel]
So, too, were ...Ebenso (wie) ...
just asebenso wie
as well as {prep}ebenso wie
in common withebenso wie
as well as {conj}ebensogut wie [alt]
as much as {adv}ebensoviel wie [alt]
no less thanebensoviel wie [alt]
no matter how ...egal wie ...
regardless of how ...egal wie ...
like sb. all over [coll.]ganz wie jd.
like {adj}genau wie
just like ...genau wie ...
every bit as ... (as)genauso ... (wie)
as ... as {adv}genauso ... wie
just as ... asgenauso ... wie
exactly like {adv}genauso wie
just asgenauso wie
just likegenauso wie
as well as {prep}genauso wie
as do ...genauso wie ...
(and) so is ...genauso wie ...
no more ... thangenausowenig ... wie [alt]
even as [in just the way that]geradeso wie
How to:Gewusst wie:
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