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English-German translation for: would
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Dictionary English German: would

Translation 1 - 50 of 607  >>

English German
sb./sth. would
jd./etw. würde
[we/they/you] would
[wir/sie/Sie] würden
sb. would
jd. wollte
[we/they/you] would
[wir/sie/Sie] wollten
[you] would
[du] würdest
[you] would
[du] wolltest
[you] would
[ihr] würdet
[you] would
[ihr] wolltet
2 Words: Others
[we/they/you] would begin[wir/sie/Sie] begännen
[we/they/you] would begin[wir/sie/Sie] begönnen
[we/they/you] would lie [deceive][wir/sie/Sie] lögen
[you] would be[ihr] wärt [wäret]
[you] would eat[du] äßest
[you] would eat[ihr] äßet
[you] would lie [deceive][ihr] löget
[you] would like[ihr] möchtet
sb. would advertisejd. würbe
sb. would askjd. bäte
sb. would assumejd. nähme an
sb. would bejd. wäre
sb. would bindjd. bände
sb. would bindjd. verbände
sb. would boiljd. sötte [geh.]
sb. would booze [coll.]jd. söffe
sb. would braidjd. flöchte
sb. would carryjd. trüge
sb. would championjd. verföchte
sb. would closejd. schlösse
sb. would comejd. käme
sb. would commandjd. befähle
sb. would commandjd. beföhle
sb. would confessjd. bekennte
sb. would consider sth.jd. wöge etw.Akk.
sb. would cradlejd. wöge
sb. would crawljd. kröche
sb. would createjd. schüfe
sb. would deceivejd. betröge
sb. would diejd. stürbe
sb. would digjd. grübe
sb. would do sth. [used to do sth.]jd. pflegte etw. zu tun
sb. would drivejd. führe
sb. would eatjd. äße
sb. would enjoyjd. genösse
sb. would findjd. fände
sb. would fleejd. flöhe
sb. would forcejd. zwänge
sb. would givejd. gäbe
sb. would gojd. ginge
sb. would havejd. hätte
sb. would interweavejd. verflöchte
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A 2024-08-21: Hahaha! That would require all branches of the law to have a hyphen!
A 2024-07-23: Would it be helpful
A 2024-07-06: The second one is a 5-way split, so that would be some work.
A 2024-04-17: I would have voted for it too. If a term is ubiquitous enough in the US th...
A 2024-03-12: Nowadays oatmeal is cheap. Nowadays who would “forced it down"?
A 2023-06-16: In general, I would always avoid undelete if at all possible. All you're d...
A 2023-05-28: I can't think of a situation where it would be used for a single person.
A 2023-05-24: Dracs, he asked for an idiomatic translation. Your translation would not b...
A 2023-05-24: I would say "It is time to finally take action"
A 2023-05-21: No, only was would be correct.
A 2023-05-19: One would absolutely use Zettel to refer to a form colloquially in Austria...
A 2023-05-17: as a student, she would possibly call it "ein Wisch" [pej.]
A 2023-05-17: Agree, in this context it would be a form. Paper in this context is equiva...
Q 2023-05-17: Hilfe, bitte. I would like this to flow naturally.
A 2023-05-14: Boring boudoir secrets? Would they have matched the scullery maid's love life?
A 2023-04-13: The correct trans would be +new priests+ Q. V.
A 2023-04-07: In the US, no one would ever refer to proper ice cream as ice. Even italia...
A 2023-04-04: Except maybe b. I would probably replace b entries with a or c, or split t...
A 2023-03-16: I would describe a Wollmütze as a wool beanie, or a beanie for short.
A 2023-03-14: DWDS suggests +Schmuck+ ~ +Zierde+ which would fittingly mean +credit+ here

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